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European Convention
 European Convention
gen. Konventet om Den Europæiske Unions Fremtid; Det Europæiske Konvent; EU-konvent
| on
earth.sc. el. slået til
the Non | Applicability
tech. chem. anvendelsesområde
of | Statutory
law retmæssig; legal; lovlig
Limitation | to
med. ad; q.s.ad
| Crimes against Humanity
 crime against humanity
econ. forbrydelse mod menneskeheden
| and
comp., MS OG
- only individual words found

to phrases
European Convention
gen. Konventet om Den Europæiske Unions Fremtid; Det Europæiske Konvent; EU-konvent
European convention
econ. europæisk konvention
European Convention on the Non- Applicability of Statutory Limitation to Crimes against Humanity and
: 1 phrase in 1 subject