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 English thesaurus
De [dɪ-,di:,de] abbr.
abbr., busin. debit
abbr., earth.sc. diffusion coefficient
DE [dɪ-,di:,de] abbr.
abbr. destroyer escort vessel; direction error
abbr., busin. deckle edged; deferred; density; design of experiments; diesel electric; distribution education; Doctor of Economics; Doctor of Engineering
abbr., chem. degree of esterification
abbr., commer. droits d' entree
abbr., comp., net. data engineering (проектирование данных Technical)
abbr., earth.sc. decussate; Department of the Environment; destratification efficiency; digital Earth; discrete element; diversion efficiency
abbr., IT device-end
abbr., oil decision element; Defo-elasticity; design and equipment; design engineering; design of experiments; detector electronics; dewaxed (oil); dielectric constant; diester; differential equation; differential expansion; digital element; drilling efficiency; driving end; dust eliminator
abbr., space deemphasis; dynamic effect; dynamics explorers
abbr., UN directed exercise
abbr., welf. disability evaluation (igisheva)
DE. abbr.
abbr., econ. deferred
De [dɪ-,di:,de] abbr.
abbr. effective decline rate; Dean number
abbr., mil. total drift error
energ.ind. equivalent diameter of flow channel
energ.ind., abbr. equivalent diameter; furnace equivalent diameter; hydraulic diameter
DE [dɪ-,di:,de] abbr.
abbr. Dale Earnhardt; Delaware; destroyer escort; diesel-electric; double end; Germany; German; Directorate for Estimates (DIA); Department of Energy; авто. driving end
abbr., agric. digestible energy
abbr., anim.husb. digested energy
abbr., astronaut. Dynamics Explorer
abbr., auto. diesel engine; double ellipsoid
abbr., avia. decision error; default error; defensive electronics; density error; design engineer; design of experiment; direct energy; Doppler effect; Doppler error; double exponential; dynamic explorer
abbr., biol. dextrose equivalent
abbr., combust. driven end (MichaelBurov); generator driven end (MichaelBurov); driven end of the generator (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net., IT Desktop Environment
abbr., econ. developed economy
abbr., ed. Distance Education; U. S. Department of Education
abbr., ed., scient. Department of Ecology
abbr., el. data-enable (input); data exchange; decompression engine; Defense Electronics; detect error; diethyl; digital equipment; discard eligibility; displacement estimation; distant end; double exposure (process); double proton exchange process; driver enable
abbr., file.ext. Device End
abbr., geol., scient. Diatomaceous Earth
abbr., IT Data Entry
abbr., lab.eq. Dextrose Equivalent
abbr., law Direct Examination
abbr., med. Deprived Eye; defecate hope; dentinoenamel junction; diabetic extremity; digestive energy; display element; Doctor of Entomology; dream elements; duck embryo; duration of ejection
abbr., media. Digital Edition
abbr., mil. Data Element; damage expectancy; decedent effects; directed energy; drug enforcement
abbr., mil., avia. date of entry
abbr., mil., WMD diisobutyl ether of methyl-phosphonic acid; disobutyl ether of methyl-phosphonic acid
abbr., nano directed evolution
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Definition Engineering; desorption efficiency
abbr., O&G, sakh. destructive examination; diatomite; detailed engineering
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. driven end
abbr., phys., scient. Discrete Event
abbr., physiol. Digestible Energy
abbr., polit. Deutschland
abbr., polym. degree of elasticity; drive end; diatomaceous earth
abbr., progr. debugging extension (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Digital Extremes
abbr., R&D. apparent digestible energy
abbr., refrig. direct expansion
abbr., scottish type abbreviation Destroyer Escort (Japan); Delaware (US state)
abbr., shipb. depth
abbr., st.exch. Deere & Company
abbr., tech. damage estimates
abbr., transp. DElayed
abbr., winemak. dextrose equivalent (эквивалент декстрозы (в производстве спирта) baletnica)
energ.ind. data encryption
energ.ind., abbr. damage evaluation; desulphurization efficiency; discharge electrode; division of engineering; double-ended; dummy element
mil., abbr. date of extension; declared excess; defense emergency; deflection error; design evaluation; designation equipment; development estimate; digital encoder; director error; display electronics; display extension; district establishment; division equivalent; dose equivalent
O&G, abbr. decoking effluent; digital enhanced
tech. delay equalizer; diagnostic evaluation
tech., abbr. Doppler extractor; data encoder; deep etch; delay element; delocalization energy; densimeter; development engineering; diffraction efficiency; disk electrophoresis; display equipment; double ended; double extension; dual expander engine
de [dɪ-,di:,de] abbr.
abbr. double entry
abbr., mil. individual drift error
~DE abbr.
abbr., file.ext. Borland C++ 4.x Project backup file
: 403 phrases in 47 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Earth sciences11
Food industry1
Government, administration and public services1
Health care3
Hobbies and pastimes1
Human rights activism2
Immigration and citizenship4
Information technology12
International trade3
Labor law7
Labor organization1
Life sciences1
Materials science3
Mechanic engineering15
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2
Natural sciences4
Physical sciences1
Procedural law2
Social science4
Textile industry10
United Nations1