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ATP adj.
comp., MS DTT (The portion of inventory that is not allocated and which can be used to fulfill new orders and requirements)
 English thesaurus
ATP abbr.
abbr. agent transfer protocol; AppleTalk transmission protocol; ability to pay; automatic testing procedure
abbr., avia. acquisition; tracking and pointing; advanced turboprop; aspirated tat probe; authority to proceed/auxiliary tool production
abbr., earth.sc. adaptive topology processor; annual technical plans; Association of Tungsten Producers
abbr., ecol. Armenian Tree Project (Армянский проект посадки деревьев kata107)
abbr., fin. arbitrage trading program
abbr., life.sc. adenosine 5'-triphosphate
abbr., med. anti-tachycardia pacing (vlad-and-slav); adenosine 5' triphosphate
abbr., oil acoustic tracking pinger; actual time of penetration; alternate term plan; ambient temperature range; anode tapping point; appraisal trial production; array transform processor; authority to prospect; automated testing procedure; average treating pressure; average tubing pressure
abbr., space acquisition, tracking and pointing; actual track pointer; assembly and testing plant; authorization to process
abbr., telecom. Abnormal Termination Processing (термин из документов CRAY vasuk)
abbr., tenn. American Tennis Professional
abbr., textile accelerated trade payment; aid trade permission
ATP abbr.
abbr. Adult Treatment Panel; Advanced Test Products; Air Transport Pilot; Al The Pal; All Tomorrows Party; Available To Promise; Macromedia Authorized Training Program (Macromedia); Accepted Test Procedure; according to protocol (ННатальЯ); Advanced Tactical Planner; Advanced Technology Partner; Advanced Tracking Prototype; Agreement for the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs; Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for Such Carriage; Allied Tasking Publication; Allied Technical Publication; Allied Training Publication; American Tennis Promotion; Application Transaction Program; Association of Tennis Professionals; advance test procedure; Autotransformer Thermal Protection
abbr., anim.husb. polydeoxyribonucleotide synthase
abbr., auto. automotive telemetry protocol; automatic transmission shift position
abbr., automat. automatic tool probe (eugeene1979)
abbr., avia. Aitape, Papua New Guinea; at time, at point; at point; at time; advance test procedures; air test pressure; air traffic procedures; augmented thrust propulsion; authority to procurement; automatic test procedures; auxiliary tool-part; auxiliary tool production; auxiliary tool—part; airline transport pilot; airspace to protect
abbr., cardiol. atrial antitachycardia pacing ((антитахикардитическая стимуляция) MariaFuraeva)
abbr., chem., scient. Ambient Temperature Pressure
abbr., commer. Acceptance Test Procedures
abbr., comp., net. AppleTalk Transaction Protocol; ATM Interface Processor
abbr., comp., net., IT Appletalk Transaction Protocol
abbr., ecol. Adaptation to Technical Progress (NatKo)
abbr., econ. advanced Technology Products; acceptance test
abbr., ed. Approved Training Provider
abbr., el. advanced terminal processor; asynchronous transaction processor; automatic test plan; automatic test procedure; automatic text processing; automatic train protocol
abbr., IT All Tests Passed; asynchronous transaction processing
abbr., law Alternative Transient Program
abbr., logist. Available To Produce (bigmaxus); available-to-promise
abbr., med. Assistantes-Techniques En Pharmacie; Association For Transpersonal Psychology; Advanced Technology Program; acute thrombocytopenic purpura; adenosinetriphosphate; annual transmission potential
abbr., mil. Acceptance Test Plan; Acquisition Tracking and Pointing; Allied Tactical Publication; Ammunition Transfer Point; assembly test program; advanced targeting pod; allied tactical publication; Army tactical publication; Army technical publication; Army techniques publication
abbr., mil., air.def. acquisition, tracking, pointing
abbr., mil., avia. accelerated training program
abbr., mil., WMD Alternative Technology Program
abbr., oil accounting transformation project (serz)
abbr., opt. acceptance test plan
abbr., org.name. Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used for such Carriage
abbr., pharma. analytical target profile (Игорь_2006)
abbr., physiol. adenosine 5'-triphosphate; Adenosine Tri-Phosphate; ATtending Physician
abbr., physiol., med. Attending physician
abbr., polym. apparent total porosity
abbr., post Authority to Participate Vouchers (federal food coupons)
abbr., qual.cont. air transferred pollutants (Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., railw. Automated Train Protection (reaktivv); AT Post
abbr., scottish Accepted Test Procedures; Acquisition, Tracking & Pointing; Air Turbine Pump; Anti-Tactical Patriot; Army Training Plan; Attack Plot; Australian Technical Publications; Authority-to-Proceed
abbr., sport. Anonymous Tennis Players; Association Of Tennis Professionals
abbr., tradem. American Tennis Psychologists
abbr., transp. Airline Transport Pilot; Automatic Train Protection
ecol. adenosine triphosphate
energ.ind. acceptance test program; authorization to proceed
meteorol. altitude temperature profile; at... place
mil. acceptance test procedure; acquisition, tracking, and pointing; acquisition, tracking, and pointing acquis, acquisition; advanced technology program; advanced test plan; advanced test plant; air tactical publication; air technical publication; alert transmit panel; ammunition transfer point; antitank platoon; Army training program; Army transportation plan; authority to proceed; automated terminal program
tech. adenosine-5'-triphosphate; aiming, tracking and pointing; authorized test procedure; automated telecommunications program; automatic telephone payment; automatic trace picking
ATP- abbr.
abbr., med. γ-S adenosine-5'-γ-thio-triphosphate
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