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noun | abbreviation | adverb | to phrases
WH nstresses
Gruzovik, polit. Западное полушарие (Western Hemisphere)
wh n
gen. ватт-час; набережная; причал; склад; хранилище; пристань
tech. working hours часы работы (Neolle)
Wh n
met. после наклёпа (LyuFi)
WH abbr.
Игорь Миг зона зимостойкости
Gruzovik, mil. боевая часть ракеты (warhead)
wh abbr.
tech. б.
 English thesaurus
Wh n
geol. wetness ratio (MichaelBurov)
WH abbr.
abbr. Westinghouse Electric Corp.
abbr., dril. well head
abbr., earth.sc. wide hole; width of head
abbr., oil water head; weight of residual hydrocarbon; working hours
WH abbr.
abbr. Water Heated; Well Hung; Western Hemisphere; William Henry; William Hull; WithHolding; Woodland Heights; World Help; And Who His; Walking Horse; wall hydrant; WarHammer; water heater; watthour; Wayne Hemingway; Weak Hit; Well Healed; West Hanover; Western Hudson; Wet Head; Wet Hole; wheelhouse; Whitman Corporation; William Hardy; Williams Hall, Miami University; Winn Harrison; Winters Heart
abbr., auto. whole saler
abbr., avia. wood hammer
abbr., cartogr. water hole
abbr., dog. Wolf Hybrids
abbr., ed., scient. Wilson Hall
abbr., el. write head
abbr., food.serv. weight-for-height ratio
abbr., IT We Have
abbr., Makarov. wheel house
abbr., med. Well Hydrated; Werdnig-Hoffmann (syndrome); Whole Homogenate; Wound Healing; well–hydrated
abbr., mil. White House; wounded due to hostilities
abbr., O&G, sakh. waste heat exchanger
abbr., oil wellhead
abbr., physiol. Walking Heel Cast
abbr., physiol., med. Women's Health
abbr., polit. South Shetland Islands
abbr., tradem. Westcott Hort
abbr., UN World Heroes
abbr., wareh. warehouse (igisheva)
abbr., water.res. water harvesting
energ.ind. water hammer; water hardness
physiol. Walking heel cast
tech. waste holdup
tradem. Westinghouse
wh abbr.
abbr. wharf (Yuriy83); wheeled; wood handle (Yuriy83)
abbr., busin. wheel; where; which; wholesale
abbr., sport. with the hands
mil. warhead
Wh abbr.
abbr. watt-hours; white; mass flow rate; watt-hour
abbr., oil watt hour; white mica
abbr., tech. watt-time
energ.ind. air-dried fuel moisture content; as-fired air-dried fuel moisture content
wh. abbr.
abbr. wharf
abbr., econ. wholesale
Wh. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. white
abbr., expl. Watt-hour
: 21 phrases in 10 subjects
Electrical engineering1