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astronaut. логические схемы с переменным порогом
 English thesaurus
VTL abbr.
abbr. Vehicle Traffic Law; Volunteer Team Leader; variable threshold logic circuit
abbr., auto. variable timing lifter
abbr., automat. vertical turning lathe; vertical turret lathe
abbr., avia. Vittel, France
abbr., el. VISA transition library
abbr., el., scient. Vacuum Tube Lifter; Vacuum Tube Logic
abbr., IT variable threshold logic
abbr., law Vehicle and Traffic Laws (in the USA Sergey Yaroslavovich)
abbr., oil vertilog
abbr., progr., IT View Template Library; Virtual Tape Library
abbr., radio variable threshold logic (circuit)
abbr., scottish Vehicle Tactical Logistic; Vehicule de Transport Logistique (Transport Vehicle (France))
abbr., sec.sys., IT Virtual Test Laboratory
abbr., tradem. Video Technologies, LTD; Videotron Telecom, Ltd.
mil. vehicle, tactical, logistic
vtl: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Automated equipment1
Mass media2