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universally unique identifierstresses
tech. универсальный уникальный идентификатор
Universally Unique Identifier
IT универсальный уникальный идентификатор (UUID rklink_01)
progr. универсально уникальный идентификатор (см. ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 9834-8-2011 ssn); УУИд (ssn)
 English thesaurus
universally unique identifier
comp., MS UUID (A 16-byte value generated from the unique identifier on a device, the current date and time, and a sequence number. It is used to identify a particular device, component, user, or session)
universally unique identifier A 16-byte value generated from the unique identifier on a device, the current date and time, and a sequence number. It is used to identify a particular device, component, user, or session
abbr., comp., MS UUID
comp., MS UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)
universally unique identifier
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