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truck farming ['trʌk'fɑ:mɪŋ]stresses
Gruzovik огородничество
agrochem. товарное земледелие
amer. товарное овощеводство (truck farming: the production of crops of some vegetables on an extensive scale in regions especially suited to their culture primarily for shipment to distant markets: In Virginia, there's still a market for "truck farming" where crops are trucked from the farm to the city to be sold fresh, eliminating the costs and quality reduction associated with shipping and selling through a middleman such as a grocery store. However, truck farming got its name originally from the word for bartering (Middle English "trukken," based on the Old French "troquer"). When you go to a famers market now and purchase vegetable from the bed of the truck, it's the negotiation over price – not the vehicle – that is the basis for the name "truck farming."); промышленное огородничество
geogr. садоводство
truck farming
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