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trt abbr.stresses
polym. термообработанный (heat treated)
TRT abbr.
comp., net. время оборота маркёра; временной интервал до возвращения маркёра в сети
met. ГУБТ (Киселев)
vet.med. РТИ (iwona)
Trt abbr.
chem.comp. трифенилметил (Eugeniia)
 English thesaurus
trt abbr.
abbr. turret
abbr., earth.sc. heat treated
met. heat-treated
trt. abbr.
abbr. heat treat
TRT abbr.
abbr. Technology Resource Teacher; TEREC remote terminal; The Right Thing (DFUE-Slang, Usenet, IRC); Token Rotation Timer (FDDI, Token Ring)
abbr., auto. transmission temperature
abbr., avia. turn round time
abbr., biochem., sport. testosterone replacement therapy (narthaki)
abbr., commun. Trial Run Test; Trail Run Test
abbr., comp., net. token rotation time; token-rotation timer
abbr., comp., net., IT Token Rotation Time; Transport Relay Translator
abbr., econ. Trademark Registration Treaty
abbr., el. tape run time; telecommunication radio telephone; total run time; trace table; Tropical Radio Telegraph Corp.; tuned receiver tuner
abbr., exc.supp. total recording time (EEG Natalya Rovina)
abbr., IT Technical Rescue Team
abbr., med. Thoracic Radiotherapy; Transfer Ribonucleic Acid Threonine; total reading time
abbr., media. Turkish Radio And Television
abbr., met. top-pressure recovery turbine (Киселев)
abbr., meteorol. Thunderstorms Radar Tracker (Ying)
abbr., mil. Target Return Time; Terrain Reconnaissance Tool; Total Running Time; Tactical Remote Turret (qwarty)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Tiga Resident Team
abbr., oil treat; treatment; temperature rise time; two-rate test
abbr., physiol., med. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy; Trauma Release Technique; Trauma Resolution Therapy; Treatment
abbr., poultr. Turkey Rhinotracheitis (Deff)
abbr., space takeoff rated thrust; TERECtactical electronics reconnaissance remote terminal
abbr., st.exch. Trio Technology International
abbr., tradem. Thermal Remediation Technologies; Turkish Radio Television Corporation
energ.ind. tactical response team; technical review team; thermal response time
TrT abbr.
abbr. terminal riboadenylate transferase
Trt. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. heat treated
abbr., met. heat-treated
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
Energy industry1