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trooper ['tru:pə] nstresses
gen. кавалерист (a soldier of private rank in cavalry); кавалерийский конь (cavalry horse); кавалерийская лошадь (cavalry horse); полицейский дорожной службы (Аналог нашего ДПСника: A trooper on I-15 near Ogden, Utah was preparing to pull over a speeding motorist when he noticed another vehicle weaving through lanes. wsbtv.com Kastorka); молодчина (Returning to the burning building, Main and Robertson found another woman inside a smoky second-storey suite and walked her to safety outside. "I spoke to her after, and what a trooper she was. She was having a cigarette and saying she was fine," O'Riordan said. burnabynow.com ART Vancouver); полицейский; военнослужащий
austral. конный полицейский; конный полицейский (mounted policeman)
Gruzovik, hist. эскадронец
hist. кавалерист
inf. эскадронец; молодец (is used to describe a brave, courageous person, someone who is able to make it through something difficult, one who endures adversity or hardship with an attitude of stoicism and persistence : Jeff stood in the cold rain for 40 minutes just to greet war veterans coming to his hometown. He's a real trooper! ART Vancouver); молоток (=молодец 4uzhoj); стойкая женщина (She's a trooper. sunshine_russia); боец стойкий ("She was a trooper and never really blew up at me for my failures" ElenaStPb); Железная леди, стойкая женщина (The Iron Lady is not the same a trooper, you should check your sources ART Vancouver; The Iron Lady = trooper?! Полная чушь. ART Vancouver)
mil. солдат бронетанковых войск (поскольку последние ведут своё происхождение от кавалерии); десантник (ВДВ); рядовой; сержант; сержант специальной авиадесантной службы; солдат специальной авиадесантной службы; транспортное средство для перевозки ЛС
mil., arm.veh. рядовой танкист
mil., BrE танкист
mil., lingo солдат
mil., navy войсковой транспорт; войсковой транспорт (a troopship); см. troopship
nautic. транспортное судно для перевозки войск
USA см. state trooper (Val_Ships)
 English thesaurus
trooper ['tru:pə] abbr.
abbr. state trooper (Val_Ships)
mil., abbr. tpr; tr
mil., navy troopship
Trooper ['tru:pə] abbr.
abbr., scottish Tpr (British Army)
: 73 phrases in 16 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Animal husbandry1
Fantasy and science fiction5
Military lingo3
United States1