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traffic sourcesstresses
inet. источники трафика (elenajouja)
traffic source
gen. исходный трафик (Исходный трафик на сайт клиента был недостаточным, охватывая примерно 2% потенциальной целевой аудитории. 3. Анализ источников трафика На ... Definition: Traffic source in the simplest form can be defined as the origin through which people found your site. Every session or visit to your website has origin or source of the hit. Whenever someone visits your website through desktop, mobile or any Internet-enabled device, the Web & Google Analytics track its source or origin, which is classified as traffic source. indiatimes.com Alexander Demidov)
railw. источники перевозок
telecom. источник трафика (oleg.vigodsky)
traffic sources
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Oil / petroleum1