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to phrases
toga ['təugə] nstresses
gen. мантия (судьи и т. п.); официальная одежда; тога (верхняя одежда граждан Древн. Рима, длинный плащ без рукавов)
lat. тога
surg. хирургический халат (iwona)
 English thesaurus
TOGA ['təugə] abbr.
abbr. Saratoga Beverage Group, Inc.
abbr., astronaut. Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere Programme
abbr., avia. take-off go around
abbr., meteorol. Tropical Ocean Global Experiment
abbr., mil., avia. take-off/go-around
abbr., nautic., scient. Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere
abbr., space tropical ocean global atmosphere program
abbr., surg. Transoral Gastroplasty (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., transp. Take Off/Go Around
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects
Oil and gas1
United Nations1