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time slipstresses
gen. скачок во времени (Technical)
esot. спонтанное путешествие во времени (Fanthorpe recounted the 1901 time travel incident reported by Charlotte Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain, who claimed to have experienced a time slip into pre-revolutionary France. "It's one of the most likely episodes to have been real time travel," he noted. • It has been speculated that these witnesses experienced what is called a “time slip.” These are instances in which individuals or even whole groups of people have seemed to pass through some veil between time and space, to find themselves flung back far back into the past to witness events there before being catapulted right back into the present, often confused and with no idea what has happened to them. coasttocoastam.com, mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
media. проскальзывание во времени; сбой синхронизации по времени задержки (эффект срыва слежения в схеме слежения за задержкой)
time slip
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Mass media2