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thermal envelopestresses
gen. тепловой конверт (МТ Alexander Demidov); тепловой контур (The thermal envelope (or heat flow control layer) is usually different than the building envelope. The difference can be illustrated by understanding that an insulated attic floor is the primary thermal control layer between the inside of the house and the exterior while the entire roof (from the surface of the shingles to the interior paint finish on the ceiling) comprises the building envelope. WAD Alexander Demidov); тёплый контур (Alexander Demidov)
comp. тепловой конверт (Amica_S); тепловой пакет (процессора и т. д. "конверт" это калька Pothead)
thermal envelope
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
Automated equipment2
Firefighting and fire-control systems1