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TFR abbr.stresses
avia. временное ограничение на полёт (MichaelBurov); временное ограничение на полёты (MichaelBurov)
chem. шампунь для бесконтактной мойки (Traffic Film Remover Фришбургер)
med. ремиссия без лечения (Adrax)
oil сообщение о неисправностях и отказах (trouble and failure report)
polit. ОПФ (Total fertility rate – Общий показатель фертильности RealMadrid)
 English thesaurus
tfr abbr.
abbr. transfer
abbr., el. forward recovery time
tfr. abbr.
USA transfer
TFR abbr.
abbr. Texas Folklife Resources; top of frame; Total Follicular Response
abbr., avia. Temporary Flight Restrictions; temporary flight restriction (MichaelBurov); total fuel remaining
abbr., BrE Territorial Force Reserve
abbr., el. thin-film resonator; token-ring fiber repeater; transaction formatting routine; transfer register; transfer-restricted (signal)
abbr., el., scient. Terrain Following Radar
abbr., immunol. transferrin receptor (iwona)
abbr., IT transfer restricted
abbr., med. treatment-free remission (Adrax)
abbr., microel. thin-film resistor
abbr., mil. Time From Receipt; Total Fertility Rate; Trouble/Failure Report
abbr., oil time-frequency representations; tubular flow reactor
abbr., opt. tightly folded resonator
abbr., sport. Team Falcon Racing; Too Fast Racing
abbr., st.exch. Tefron, LTD.
abbr., tech. terrain following radar
abbr., tradem. The File Room
abbr., transp. Time To Fly Right
meteorol. transfer of control message
mil. tank ferry raft; terrain-following radar; total final report; trouble and failure report
tech. television film recorder; transfer function response; tunable frequency range
TfR abbr.
abbr. transferrin receptor (igisheva)
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