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terms of artstresses
gen. специальная терминология (специальная страховая терминология = insurance terms of art. Thus, there is no basis for requiring him to use insurance terms of art in the same manner as would an insurance expert or even as a lawyer ... Alexander Demidov); спецтерминология (A term of art is a word or phrase that has a particular meaning. Terms of art abound in the law. For example, the phrase double jeopardy can be used in common parlance to describe any situation that poses two risks. In the law, Double Jeopardy refers specifically to an impermissible second trial of a defendant for the same offense that gave rise to the first trial. West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008. The conversation made me reflect on the meaning of insurance terms of art, and how they differ from the general meanings of the same words; and how ... Alexander Demidov)
term of art
gen. термин искусства; спецтермин (Jargon, technical terminology, or term of art, is "the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group". An industry term is a type of technical terminology that has a particular meaning within a specific industry. WK. A term whose use or meaning is specific to a particular field of endeavor. 1957, United States Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, p. 168 The opinion in United States v du Pont does not, in any event, render the term "acquiring" in a consent decree a term of art. WT Alexander Demidov)
terms of art
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects