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tax reliefstresses
tax. уменьшение налоговой нагрузки (необлагаемый минимум, пониженная ставка налога, отсрочка обязанности по уплате налога и др. Stas-Soleil); облегчение налогового бремени; скидка с налога; налоговая льгота (Small companies can claim tax relief on research and development expenditure. • to claim/gain/get tax relief • to be eligible for/be entitled to/qualify for tax relief • to give/offer/provide tax relief • to abolish/cut/end tax relief.); налоговая скидка; скидка с налогооблагаемой суммы (налоговая льгота); льготы по уплате налогов (a reduction in the amount of tax that has to be paid: tax relief on something "Companies can claim tax relief on donations to charity. qualify/be eligible for tax relief "Investors are eligible for 20% tax relief provided they do not touch their investments for 5 years. mortgage/income/property tax relief "In the interests of housing market stability, mortgage tax relief would be cut to 10%. CBED Alexander Demidov)
tax relief
: 26 phrases in 7 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
International Monetary Fund1