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take pot luckstresses
gen. чем Бог послал пообедать; наудачу
idiom. есть, что дают (4uzhoj); действовать наудачу (VLZ_58); довольствоваться тем, что есть (4uzhoj); выбирать наудачу (to select blindly from the available options in the hopes of achieving a fortunate or beneficial end result); рискнуть (We had to take pot luck parking in somebody else's space, which could have ended up with our car being towed. 4uzhoj); выбирать наугад (We didn't know the dishes and had to take pot luck. • I've never heard of any of these restaurants. We'll have to take pot luck.); выбрать наугад; положиться на случай (Booking far in advance, we had to take pot luck on the weather but ended up with a perfect day.); выбирать из того, что есть (During peak times you may need to make a booking to get into your chosen restaurant, although some places don't take reservations so you'll have to take pot luck. 4uzhoj); выбрать наугад ('Did somebody recommend the hotel to you?' 'No, we just took pot luck. It was the first hotel in the brochure.'); попытать счастья (только в контексте: They had to take "pot luck" for supper in the cafeteria as food supplies were limited. / 4uzhoj); положиться на удачу (I couldn't get any information from the telephone directory, so I had to take pot luck. • The only downside was we couldn't book so had to take pot luck in wether we could get a seat or not. 4uzhoj)
take pot luck
: 7 phrases in 3 subjects