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take something with a grain of saltstresses
take with a pinch of salt (the "pinch of salt" variant is more common in the UK)
idiom. не принимать за чистую монету (Take whatever that paper publishes with a grain of salt–it's really a tabloid. george serebryakov); не воспринимать всерьёз (Val_Ships); не воспринимать слишком серьёзно (Take whatever that paper publishes with a grain of salt–it's really a tabloid.); не воспринимать как истину в последней инстанции (в контексте, напр.: Just my two cents. Take it all with a grain of salt. – Я не претендую на истину в последней инстанции 4uzhoj); делить надвое (accept, but with some reservations or skepticism: Well, whatever she said, you should probably take it with a grain of salt. • Take whatever that paper publishes with a grain of salt–it's really a tabloid. akhmed); относиться к чему-либо скептически; относиться к чему-либо недоверчиво; относиться к чему-либо критически (Take whatever that paper publishes with a grain of salt–it's really a tabloid.); воспринимать что-либо скептически (I've read the article, which I take with a grain of salt. Val_Ships); относиться недоверчиво (к чему-либо: Anything free should be taken with a grain of salt – there's no such thing as a free lunch.); воспринимать с некоторой долей скептицизма (accept, but with some reservations or skepticism); воспринять без излишней серьёзности (Whatever you write on these pages are nothing more then what you state to be your opinions. They are definitely not my opinions, nor those of anyone else in the world. Hell, you might not even agree or believe in your OWN opinions. Therefore, take this site and all the entries with a grain of salt. cockgoblin.com inyazserg); воспринимать с сомнением (в достоверности информации Val_Ships); воспринимать критически (Foreign Policy, 2020: take all those messages with a grain of salt – относиться критически ко всем подобным сообщениям Alex_Odeychuk); проявлять здоровый скептицизм (Capsaicin's effects on cancer in humans has not yet been studied, so it's wise to take this information with a grain of salt. ART Vancouver); относиться философски (к чему-либо; требует дополнения: There are many other reasons a reviewer might try to dump vitriol on your business's reputation too. At any rate, my point is that you shouldn't always take a review at face value – instead, grow thick skin and take it with a grain of salt. 4uzhoj)
Игорь Миг, idiom. не относиться слишком серьёзно; не принимать слишком близко к сердцу (а); не доверять всецело; принимать с толикой недоверия
take something with a grain of salt something
idiom. отнестись к чему-либо критически (В.И.Макаров); отнестись к чему-либо скептически (В.И.Макаров)
take sth. with a grain of salt
idiom. отнестись скептически (I remember reading a story from another redditor, so you have to take it with a grain of salt. When he was a little boy, he saw a big kitty in his backyard as he was playing, so he went to pet it, and it allowed him. Many years later, when he was much older, he realized that big kitty was actually a cougar. (reddit.com) • While he doesn’t question that Tenaya stated some version of what he’s credited with, Green takes Bunnell’s stories with a grain of salt. sfgate.com ART Vancouver)
take with a grain of salt
: 2 phrases in 1 subject