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structuralism ['strekʧ(ə)rəliz(ə)m] nstresses
gen. структурализм
el. структурная лингвистика
psychol. структурная психология
 English thesaurus
structuralism ['strekʧ(ə)rəliz(ə)m] n
lit. This theory suggests that no text has any meaning independently, but only makes sense when thought of as part of a complete language system. Furthermore, it is argued that all writing is comprised of an arrangement of signs, codes and conventions. This turns away fromthe traditional view that literaturereflects reality, and thus creates a connection between the writer and reader. Structuralists reject both these ideas and argue the writer creates a persona, which is a literary construction, creating a barrier to the access of the actual writer. Roland Barthes 1915-80 was a key structuralist during the theory’s rise in the 1960s. The discourse has now been outdated by post-structuralism.
structuralism: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
Cultural studies1
Mass media2