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stormwater ['stɔ:m'wɔ:tə] nstresses
gen. прорыв воды через дамбу; ливневка (Stormwater is the water draining off a site from the rain that falls on the roof and land, and everything it carries with it. The soil, organic matter, litter, fertilisers from gardens and oil residues from driveways it carries can pollute downstream waterways. Rainwater refers only to the rain that falls on the roof, which is usually cleaner. However, stormwater can be a valuable resource. Reusing stormwater can save potable water and reduce downstream environmental impacts. In urban areas stormwater is generated by rain runoff from roofs, roads, driveways, footpaths and other impervious or hard surfaces. In Australia the stormwater system is separate from the sewer system. Unlike sewage, stormwater is generally not treated before being discharged to waterways and the sea. gov.au Alexander Demidov)
ecol. ливневая вода
sociol. дренажная вода (Stormwater is water that originates during precipitation events. It may also be used to apply to water that originates with snowmelt that enters the stormwater system. Stormwater that does not soak into the ground becomes surface runoff, which either flows directly into surface waterways or is channeled into storm sewers, which eventually discharge to surface waters. wiki Alexander Demidov)
stormwaters n
Makarov. ливневые воды
stormwater drainage
: 49 phrases in 14 subjects
Building structures1
Electrical engineering1
Energy industry1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation4
Sewage and wastewater treatment4
Water supply4