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statutory instrumentstresses
gen. нормативно-правовой акт (statutory instrument noun (law) a law or other rule which has legal status. OALD Alexander Demidov); регламентированный нормативный документ (Alexander Demidov); постановление правительства (a government or executive order of subordinate legislation [in the UK] (NOED) Alexander Demidov); подзаконный акт (a government or executive order of subordinate legislation. NOED. There is in addition a subordinate source of law which is drawn-up under powers specifically delegated by particular statutes. (For instance ‘statutory instruments' are a main source of this ‘secondary' legislation, often containing the ‘small-print' of a statute). LE Alexander Demidov)
econ. законодательный акт; делегирование полномочий законодательного органа, дающее право издавать приказы, имеющие силу законов
law подзаконный акт; нормативно-правовой акт (Alexander Matytsin); нормативный акт (Alexander Matytsin); акт делегированного законодательства (A document issued by the delegated authority (usually a Government Minister or committee) named within an act of parliament which affects the workings of the original Act, e.g. The County Courts Act 1984 confers authority on to the County Court Rule Committee to make rules relating to the operation of the County Courts act. LT Alexander Demidov)
O&G, sahk.r. обязательные КИП
 English thesaurus
Statutory Instrument
abbr., law SI (thefreedictionary.com naiva)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. SI
statutory instrument
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects