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stamping outstresses
Gruzovik, tech. выштамповка
psychol. вытеснение (akimboesenko)
tech. штанцевание
stamp out ['stæmp'aut]
gen. затоптать (огонь, сигарету и т.п.: He stamped out the flames before they could grow. • The doorman, who at that moment had stepped out of the restaurant coatroom to have a smoke in the yard, stamped out his cigarette and... – Швейцар, вышедший в этот момент из дверей ресторанной вешалки во двор, чтобы покурить, затоптал папиросу и двинулся было ... (Булгаков); тушить затаптыванием (огонь); тушить (огонь, сигарету и т.п., затаптаптывая); затушить (огонь, сигарету и т.п., затоптав: Jeffrey stamped out his cigarette with the toe of his boot. • He stamped out his cigarette with his boot, smiled and said, ... • Paolo stamped out his cigarette with the sole of his shoe and sighed.); затаптывать (a fire, cigarette, etc.); затушить ногой (окурок сигареты: He stamped out his cigarette and returned to the quarters. • "A great lesson in epistolary prose," he said, uncrossed his legs, and stamped out his smoke.); тушить ногой (окурок сигареты); топтать (a fire)
fig. покончить с (напр., болезнью, бедностью и т.д.: This is a critical issue, because the more countries that are involved, the more likely it is that vaccines will be rationally distributed and the more efficient the work to stamp out the pandemic. • In 2016, The UN political declaration on ending AIDS set the world on a fast-track to stamp out the epidemic by 2030. • We aim to stamp out poverty in our lifetimes. 4uzhoj); искоренять; искоренить (We aim to stamp out poverty in our lifetimes. • US military makes sweeping changes to stamp out prejudice and bias – including discrimination against pregnancies and hairstyles. Moscowtran); подавлять (восстание, распространение эпидемии и т.п.: The British had provided the miltary muscle that had kept the Nizam in power, and helped him stamp out revolts. • As the Chinese authorities confront scattered outbreaks of the coronavirus in the country's northeast, they are turning to many of the same strict lockdown measures that were a hallmark of the effort four months ago to stamp out the epidemic in the central city of Wuhan. nytimes.com); подавить (напр., восстание: The United Nations secretary-general condemned the "appalling brutality" of the operation to stamp out the revolt against Assad, and Turkey's ambassador to the European Union warned of a slide into civil war that could inflame the region. reuters.com); истреблять; истребить (Баян); выкорчевать (в знач. "искоренить" Баян); вытравить (в знач. "искоренить" В.И.Макаров); вытравливать (в знач. "искоренять" В.И.Макаров); победить (эпидемию, бедность и т.п.: This The New York Times article shows why we must remain diligent in order to stamp out the pandemic.); вытеснить (For a moment rage stamped out his fear.); положить конец (чему-либо: It is our duty to stamp out any abuses of political power. • More measures are needed to stamp out election fraud. • The Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan says Australia's taxation system needs to be fair, and he wants rorts stamped out. • Nearly eight years after her daughter was kicked to death for being a Goth, Sylvia Lancaster OBE is still campaigning to stamp out prejudice and intolerance towards people from alternative subcultures. Moscowtran)
fig., context. добиться запрета (Unions are fighting to stamp out zero-hours contracts.)
Gruzovik, tech. выштамповывать; выштамповать
inf. штамповать (a colloquial addition of the preposition "out": Porsche plans to use a Volkswagen assembly plant to stamp out the body of its eagerly awaited four-door sedan, the Panamera, due in 2009. • We have a metal stamping company. We stamp out various metal parts for a large spectrum of industries. wordreference.com)
leath. выдавливать
mech.eng., obs. штамповать; вырезать на штампе
slang разрушать; ликвидировать; устранять (Our department is trying hard to stamp out crime in our region. == Наш отдел усиленно старается покончить с преступностью в районе.)
tech. выбивать; чеканить; вырезать штампом (studyenglishwords.com); отчеканить
agric. полный санитарный убой (живатных)
Makarov. полный санитарный убой (животных)
tech. штанцевание
vet.med. политика подход полного санитарного забоя
stamping -out
: 34 phrases in 11 subjects
Food industry2
Intelligence and security services2
Mass media3
Security systems5
Veterinary medicine1