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ssc abbr.stresses
gen. дизельная подводная лодка с крылатыми ракетами на борту
immunol. Буфер для денатурации (Палачах)
SSC abbr.
gen. эргорюкзак (Ремедиос_П); эрго-рюкзак (Ремедиос_П)
avia. подповерхностная коррозия (subsurface corrosion sergey ivanov)
bank. сертификат мелкого вкладчика (США; small saver certificate)
econ. Shared Services Centers, Общие центры обслуживания (KorneevaM)
EU. Научный руководящий комитет (Scientific Steering Committee Ristill)
genet. Раствор цитрата и хлорида натрия (применяемый в ряде генетических методик (напр., при С-бэндинге); 2SSC – 17,5 г NaCl и 8,8 г Na3C6H5O72H2O на 1 л воды dimock)
geophys. внезапное начало бури; внезапное начало геомагнитной бури
HR Комиссия по отбору персонала (STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION Alex Lilo)
immunol. боковое светорассеяние (Палачах)
IT ОЦО (shared services centre; объединённый центр обслуживания MichaelBurov)
O&G подкомитет акционеров (MichaelBurov)
org.name. Центр совместных служб
procur. безопасность цепочки поставок (Security Supply Chain Suri4ek)
SAP. ЦЕС (центр единого сервиса eugeene1979)
SAP.tech. управление последовательностью экранов
tech. датчик SSC (устанавливается в пазах статора Pothead); КСЭ (Конструкции, Системы и Элементы Luxuria)
UN сотрудничество Юг-Юг (South-South cooperation, United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) Beforeyouaccuseme)
 English thesaurus
ssc abbr.
abbr. system stability controller
insur. Same sea and country or coast
SSC abbr.
abbr. Safe Sane And Consensual; Short Service Commission; Systems Structures And Components; Safe Sane Consensual; SAGE sector commander; Science Standardization Committee; SCSI Stream Commands (SAM, SCSI); SCSI-3 stream commands; Sea Systems Command; Secondary School Certificate (Bangladesh ABelonogov); Security Support Component (NGSCB, TCP); Service Shortcut Changer; Silent Sneaky Communications; Small-scale contingency (http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/ssc.htm Tanya Gesse); Societas Sanctae Crucis; Solicitor to the Supreme Court; semi-steel casting; small scientific computer; stepping switch counter; Space Surveillance Center; Specialized Systems Consultants; Speed Spin And Control; Staff Selection Committee; State Services Commission; Stellar Simulation Complex; Student Success Celebration; Submissive Sensual Correction; Superconducting Super Collider; Surface Support Craft; standard saline citrate
abbr., agric. The Seed Swap Club
abbr., astronaut. Swedish Space Corporation
abbr., auto. Standstill control (harser); saving control system; sintered silicon carbide; stress corrosion cracking; swirl stratified charge
abbr., avia. self sealing coupling; service support center; single stroke chime; spread spectrum communication; system support center; John C Stems Space Center; self support cable; side stick controller; solid state scanner; solid state circuit; source selection criteria; Spectroscope Society of Canada; static source correction; stock shortage control (panel); stress stain curves; Serial Switch Card; System Support Coordinator; Sheet of Storage and Conditioning Conditions (smovas); subsystem computer; synthetic single crystals; system self check; systems science and cybernetics
abbr., biol. sodium chloride + sodium citrate
abbr., BrE short service commissions
abbr., busin. salvage and salvage charge
abbr., comp., net., IT Secured Smartcard Channel; Structure Server Component
abbr., comp.name. Seismograph Service Corporation; Service Supply Company
abbr., dent.impl. straight screw channel (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dipl. diesel-powered cruise missile submarine
abbr., earth.sc. Scientific and Statistical Committee; sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits; Seismic Safety Commission; Society of Surveying and Cartography; Society of Surveying and Cartography (China); special sensor C; specific surface climates; storm sudden commencement; sudden commencement of geomagnetic storms; sub-surface control; supersulphated cement; suspended solid concentration
abbr., econ. South-South Cooperation
abbr., ed. School Site Council
abbr., ed., scient. Speaking Society Club
abbr., el. satellite switching center; sector switching center; security service circuit; self-support cable; self-synchronizing code; serial shift counter; set selection criterion; signaling and supervisory control; simulated spacecraft; single signal carrier system; sound system control; spatial scanning correlator; special service center; special service circuit; spin synchronous clock; spread spectrum carrier (transceiver); spread spectrum communications; squared signal correlator; SSB suppressed carrier; Standards Steering Committee; stochastic sign change; storage structure category; subsystem congested; super-smart card; synchronous self-stimulus; synchronous serial communications (interface); system stabilizing controller; system supervisory and control
abbr., electr.eng. single silk covered; solid state control; steady-state conditions
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Shattered Star Confederation
abbr., genet. small single copy
abbr., inet. Super Slow Computer
abbr., insur. Social Security Commission (4uzhoj)
abbr., IT Slot Size Code; station selection code
abbr., law Safety Security And Communications; Safety Service Center
abbr., med. Skin-to-skin Care; Somatic Stem Cell; Syngeneic Spleen Cell; Systemic Scleroderma; Systemic Sclerosis; side scatter (проточная цитометрия vlad-and-slav)
abbr., media. Short Story Collection; Silent Speaker Chamber
abbr., mil. See Submissives Cower; Signal Support Company; Slow Survivable Combat; Soldier Support Center; Special Security Command; small scale contingency; special security center surveillance support center; Space Systems Command (Киселев)
abbr., mil., air.def. sideband suppressed carrier
abbr., mil., WMD safety support contractor; site security center
abbr., O&G shareholders' subcommittee (MichaelBurov); sulfide stress corrosion cracking (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Offshore Statutory Safety Committee
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. sulphide stress cracking
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. statutory safety committee
abbr., oil sulphide stress corrosion; Safety and Serviceability Classification; Scientific Software Corporation; semi-submerged catamaran; semisteel casting; shape selective cracking; Ship Structure Committee; single silk-covered; single-site catalyst; single strategy controller; subsea control (valve); sulfide stress corrosion; suspended sediment concentration; system science and cybernetics
abbr., opt. superconducting supercollider
abbr., org.name. Centre des services communs; Centro servizi condivisi; Species Survival Commission; Scientific Sub-Committee; Shared Services Centre
abbr., pharm. Scientific and Standartization Committee (kat_j)
abbr., physiol., med. Size, Shape, and Consistency
abbr., qual.cont. Supplier Support Committee (inplus)
abbr., railw. Southern Switching Company
abbr., SAP. shared service center (eugeene1979)
abbr., scottish type abbreviation Submarine, coastal; Solid-state Scanner; Standard Systems Centre
abbr., sexol. Safe, Sane and Consensual (soulveig)
abbr., space Satellite Situation Center; satellite switch control; Space System Center; space system costumer
abbr., sport. Silver Swimming Certificate; supersonic car
abbr., st.exch. Sunshine Mining & Refining Company
abbr., tax. special service charge (Yuriy83)
abbr., tech. static series compensators; structures, systems and component (Е. Тамарченко, 14.11.2015 Евгений Тамарченко); structures, systems and components (Е. Тамарченко, 14.11.2015 Евгений Тамарченко)
abbr., tradem. South Sea Company
energ.ind. separated sector cyclotron; solid solution cermet; specific steam consumption; static series compensation
invest. small saver certificate
mater.sc. sulfide stress cracking
mil. Coastal Submarine; secondary strike capacity; senior service college; site selection criteria; software support center; special security command; squadron supervisory console; squadron support center; standard systems center; stores stock catalog; supply and service company; supply status code; supply support center; systems support center
oil, abbr. sulf ide-stress cracking
tech. safe shutdown component; sensor signal conditioner; shipboard satellite communications system; short segmented cask; simulated surveillance capsule; single-silk covered; solid-state circuit; Space Shuttle computer; space suit communicator; spacecraft system console; standing steering committee; super system code; sync source control
: 16 phrases in 12 subjects
Corporate governance1
Nuclear physics1
Oil and gas2
Радиоактивное излучение1