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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
SOR nstresses
chem. удельное оптическое вращение (Specific Optical Rotation astranelly)
sor n
gen. сорье
biol. сор (засоленное озеро); солончаковая пустыня
geogr. сор; шор
O&G сор (a salt lake; соленое озеро / болото)
O&G, sahk.r. солевое озеро или болото (сор); солевое болото (сор); солевое озеро (сор)
O&G, sakh. сор (a salt lake – солевое озеро или болото); солевое озеро; солевое болото
oil сор (a salt lake; солевое озеро или болото andrushin)
oil.proc. начало прогона (Start of Run zsmith)
sors abbr.
O&G, sahk.s. сор (соленое болото)
 English thesaurus
SOR abbr.
abbr. Single Option Relationship; Special Order Returns; Station Operations Room; Statutory Orders And Regulations; sale or return (Vosoni); schedule of requirements; shop order release (алешаBG); Specific Orders and Requests; start of record; statement of requirements; system of record (Artjaazz)
abbr., archit., scient. State Of Requirement
abbr., avia. Al Thaurah, Syria; schedule outlook report; spare order release; system operational requirement
abbr., ed., scient. Student Organization Registrar; Study Of Religion
abbr., el. sampling oscilloscope recorder; short-focus open resonator; slow operating relay; source output routine; standard operating rule; status of resources; system operational requirements
abbr., law Sex Offender Registry; Some Other Race; Statutory Order And Regulation
abbr., math., scient. Strong Outlier Rejection; Sum Of Ratios
abbr., med. Standards, Options & Recommandations; Sphere Of Replication
abbr., mil. Sea Org Reserve; Starfire Optical Range; State Of Readiness; Statement Of Requirements; statement of requirement
abbr., nano successive overrelaxation
abbr., NATO Statement of Requirements
abbr., oil Start Of Run (Yerkwantai)
abbr., oil.proc. start-of-run (MichaelBurov)
abbr., opt. synchrotron orbital radiation
abbr., physiol., med. Successive Over Relaxation
abbr., qual.cont. special operational requirement
abbr., scottish Set-On Receiver; Silicon On Sapphire; Struck Off Records
abbr., st.exch. Source Capital, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Southern Outdoor Recreation
mil. sector operations room; sensor operation room; special occurence report; special order request; specific operational requirement; squadron operational report; standard operating report; standard operating rules; systems operational requirement
tech. special operational requirements; specific operational requirements; static O-ring; system of records
sor n
agric. cop (засоленное озеро)
Sor abbr.
abbr. residual oil saturation
SORS abbr.
abbr. SIGINT Overhead Reconnaissance Subcommittee; Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., el. spacecraft oscillograph recording system
abbr., scottish Senior Officer Reserve Ships
abbr., spectr. Spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
energ.ind. second-order response surface
mil. Specific Order or Requests
SORs abbr.
abbr., econ. special drawing rights
: 13 phrases in 6 subjects
Oil / petroleum1