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show trialstresses
gen. показательный суд (Sonechka); постановочный процесс (wikipedia.org Tanya Gesse)
polit. показательный процесс (a public trial in which the judicial authorities have already determined the guilt, and/or innocence, of the defendant. The actual trial has as its only goal the presentation of both the accusation and the verdict to the public so they will serve as both an impressive example and a warning to other would-be dissidents or opposition figures having political ambitions. Show trials tend to be retributive rather than corrective and they are also conducted for propagandistic purposes. wikipedia.org Olga Okuneva); судебный фарс (Alexander Matytsin)
econ. показательный суд
show -trial
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Clinical trial1
Criminal law2