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sfa abbr.stresses
pharm. поверхностная бедренная артерия (Superficial Femoral Artery [email protected])
SFA abbr.
gen. Управление ценных бумаг и фьючерс (Securities and Futures Authority); автоматизация работы службы продаж (t_edelweis)
food.ind. насыщенная жирная кислота
math. стохастический пограничный анализ (MichaelBurov)
med. шкала оценки функциональности плечевого сустава (Shoulder function assessment scale HarleyQ)
med.appl. Subcutaneous Fat Area Площадь подкожно-абдоминального жира (наряду с площадью висцерального жира (VFA) используется в КТ-исследованиях для оценки ожирения VasDoc); Subcutaneous Fat Area-Площадь подкожно-абдоминального жира (VasDoc); Площадь подкожно-абдоминального жира (Subcutaneous Fat Area; наряду с площадью висцерального жира (VFA) используется в КТ-исследованиях для оценки ожирения VasDoc)
mil., avia. коммутируемая сборка фильтров (Switched Filter Assemble Шандор)
nucl.pow. отработавшая ТВС (MichaelBurov); отработанная ТВС (MichaelBurov); отработавшая сборка (MichaelBurov); отработанная сборка (MichaelBurov); отходы сборки (MichaelBurov); отходы сборок (MichaelBurov); ОТВС (MichaelBurov); облучённая ТВС (MichaelBurov); отходы ТВС (MichaelBurov); облучённая сборка (MichaelBurov)
OHS аудит на уровне цехов (Shop Floor Audit Sintey)
phys. внезапная аномалия поля
 English thesaurus
SFA abbr.
abbr. Sabena Flight Academy; Sales Force Authority; Sales Force Automation; Securities and Futures Authority; Standard First Aid; Stuttering Foundation of America; Sunnyside Family Association; Scottish Football Association; Security Fault Analysis; service-factor amperes; Skull Fuckers Anonymous; Special Forces Association; Subcommittee on Frequency Allocations
abbr., avia. secondary fan airflow; security failure analysis; short field aircraft; simulated flight automatic
abbr., biol. semen analysis; semen analysis, sperm fluid assay
abbr., busin. single family attached (lawinsider.com IvanBurmistrov)
abbr., chem. sulphated fatty alcohol
abbr., earth.sc. synthetic fatty acids
abbr., ed. School Food Authority; Success For All
abbr., ed., scient. Students For Alcohol
abbr., el. segment frequency algorithm; sequential functional analysis; single-fault assumption; spatial frequency analyzer; standard fabrication allowance; statistic FORTRAN analyzer; system failure analysis
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Star Fleet Academy; Star Fleet Adventures
abbr., fin. Special Facility for Africa
abbr., food.ind. saturated fatty acid (SergeiL)
abbr., immunol. suppressor factor of allergy
abbr., IT Sound Format Api; Single factor authentication
abbr., Makarov. sudden field anomaly
abbr., math. stochastic frontier analysis (MichaelBurov)
abbr., meas.inst. service failure analysis (ssn)
abbr., med. French Society Of Arthroscopy Score; Saturated Fatty Acid; Saturated Fatty Acids; Serum Folic Acid; Skinfold Anthropometry; Société Française D'Arthroscopie; Stuttering Foundation Of America; Superficial Femoral Artery; Superior Femoral Artery; superficial femoral artery (harser)
abbr., media. Scientific Film Association
abbr., met. size fraction analysis (Atenza)
abbr., mil. Security Force Assistance
abbr., mil., avia. Secretary for Air
abbr., nucl.pow. spent fuel assembly (MichaelBurov); spent assembly (MichaelBurov); spent nuclear fuel assembly (MichaelBurov); spent nuclear reactor fuel assembly (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil scale factor anomalies; Securites and Futures Authority; sedimentary fulvic acid; statement of financial accountings; synthetic fatty acid
abbr., relig. Society For Ascension
abbr., scottish Super Freinage et Amorage (Super retarded & arming (France))
abbr., space sintered ferrite absorber; space force application; sun finder assembly
abbr., st.exch. Scientific Atlanta, Inc.; Securities and Futures Act of Singapore (aht)
abbr., tradem. Single Factory Australia; Southern Firearms Appraisals
abbr., transp. Single Frequency Approach
abbr., vet.med., med. Smelly Farm Animals
abbr., weld. specification of filler analysis (eugeene1979)
airports, avia. Sfax, Tunisia
comp., IT Salesforce Automation
energ.ind. single-failure assumption
mil. short-field aircraft; slow flying aircraft; special foreign activities
tech. single-failure analysis; single-frequency approach; spent fuel assembly; standard fuel assembly
: 8 phrases in 2 subjects
Nuclear and fusion power7