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service profile identifierstresses
media. идентификатор профиля службы (номер, используемый некоторыми провайдерами для определения услуг, на которые подписано ISDN-устройство, этот номер через коммутатор обеспечивает соединение с провайдером)
tech. идентификатор услуги и линии
telecom. идентификатор профиля услуг (oleg.vigodsky)
Service Profile Identifier
comp., MS код профиля службы (SPID)
 English thesaurus
Service Profile Identifier An 8-digit to 14-digit number that identifies the services that you order for each B-channel. For example, when you order Primary Rate ISDN, you obtain two phone numbers and two SPIDs from your Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) provider. Typical ISDN adapters cannot operate without configuring SPIDs
abbr., comp., MS Service Profile ID; SPID (Service Profile Identifier)
Service Profile Identifier
comp., MS Service Profile ID (An 8-digit to 14-digit number that identifies the services that you order for each B-channel. For example, when you order Primary Rate ISDN, you obtain two phone numbers and two SPIDs from your Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) provider. Typical ISDN adapters cannot operate without configuring SPIDs)
Service Profile IDentifier
IT, abbr. SPID (ISDN)