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search warrant ['sɜ:ʧ'wɔrənt]stresses
gen. разрешение на производство обыска
econ. документ, дающий право совершения обыска
law распоряжение суда о производстве обыска; ордер на обыск
notar. приказ об обыске
police постановление на обыск (помещения, дома Val_Ships)
sec.sys. ордер на право обыска
gen. документ на право обыска; ордер на обыск
 English thesaurus
search warrant ['sɜ:ʧ'wɔrənt]
law legal permission given to law enforcement by the court to search a suspect’s house, etc. for evidence; An order that tells the police to search a specific place to find specific people or things. A judge can order a search warrant if there is probable cause; A written order directing a law enforcement officer to conduct a search of a specified place and to seize any evidence directly related to the criminal offense
search -warrant
: 20 phrases in 7 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Criminal law6