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SARS [sɑːz] nstresses
biotechn. атипичная пневмония (острый респираторный синдром или атипичная пневмония, острое респираторное заболевание, характеризующееся лихорадкой, кашлем и гипоксией, вызванное вирусом семейства Coronaviridae)
med. тяжёлый острый респираторный синдром (ssn)
SAR [,eseɪ'a:] n
gen. акт об оказании услуг (Glebson)
bank. риял Саудовской Аравии (Saudi Arab riyal)
busin. вознаграждение в виде денежного эквивалента прироста стоимости акций (stock appreciation rights andrew_egroups)
fin. Сообщение о подозрительной деятельности англ. SAR (Irina_Smirnova)
law выплата разницы между опционной ценой и рыночной ценой акции (gennier)
media. подслой сегментации и дефрагментации (преобразует PDU (см.) в формат и длину для заполнения полезной нагрузки ячейки ATM)
O&G, tengiz. заявка на пополнение складских запасов (Stock Authorization Request Serik Jumanov)
sec.sys. требование гарантии безопасности (сокр. от "security assurance requirement" Alex_Odeychuk)
SARS [sɑːz] abbr.
gen. ТОРС (тяжёлый острый респираторный синдром – severe acute respiratory syndrome) также известен как атипичная пневмония wikipedia.org Дюнан)
 English thesaurus
sars. abbr.
abbr., typogr. sarsenet
SARS [sɑːz] abbr.
abbr. Sales Are Returning Soon; Salute To All Respected Staff; Sapiens Are Really Screwed; Sick Asians Running The Streets; Singaporeans Are Really Scared; South African Revenue Service; Swindon Always Running Scared; Singaporeans Are Really Stupid; Single And Really Sexy; Stupid Asian Racial Stooges
abbr., avia. simulated airborne radar system; support and restraint system; signal auto radar processing system; standards automated reschedule system
abbr., comp., net., IT Segmentation And Reassembly Sublayer
abbr., earth.sc. sub-area retrieval system
abbr., ed. Schools Are Really Safe
abbr., ed., scient. Scientific Apparatus Recycling Scheme
abbr., el. shipboard automatic recorder system; solar array reorientation system; surveillance and analysis receiving system; synthetic array radar system
abbr., food.ind. Salami And Relish Sandwich
abbr., health., med. Sacral Anterior Root Stimulator
abbr., med. San Antonio Rotablator Study; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; severe acute respiratory syndrome; Structured adverse effects rating Scale (Структурированная шкала оценки нежелательных явлений dr_denver); Sadistic Anal Retrovirus System
abbr., mil. Saddams Attack Retaliation System
abbr., mil., air.def. surveillance and analysis receiving sys-' tem
abbr., oil structure-activity relationship system
abbr., physiol., med. Seasonally Affected Regional Syndrome; Systematic Achromia Resistant Spores
abbr., polit. Seriously Anti Republican Sentiments
abbr., relig. Stand And Rebuke Satan
abbr., scottish Secondary / Standard Attitude Defence System
abbr., sport. Schweitzer Alpine Racing School
abbr., stat. Simpson-Angus Rating Scale (iwona)
mil. salvo artillery rocket system; search-and-rescue squadron; selected acquisition report; sensor analog relay system; spares accounting replenishment system; static automatic reporting system; synthetic aperture radar system
tech. safety analysis and review system; ship attitude record system; signal acquisition receiving system; stellar attitude reference study; surveillance and analysis receiving sets
SARs [sɑːz] abbr.
abbr., securit. stock appreciation right
lab.law., law stock apprecation rights (Share appreciation rights (SARs) are incentive plans that tie compensation to the share value of a company's stock without the actual issuance of shares to plan participants. A share-appreciation right entitles the holder to a payment, in stock or cash, equal to the amount by which the underlying stock has appreciated since the right was granted. The rights are generally subject to a vesting schedule and a contractual term. If not exercised within the contractual term, the rights expire. 'More); share apprecation rights (Share appreciation rights (SARs) are incentive plans that tie compensation to the share value of a company's stock without the actual issuance of shares to plan participants. A share-appreciation right entitles the holder to a payment, in stock or cash, equal to the amount by which the underlying stock has appreciated since the right was granted. The rights are generally subject to a vesting schedule and a contractual term. If not exercised within the contractual term, the rights expire. 'More)
: 13 phrases in 8 subjects