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rta [ˈrɪtə] nstresses
rel., budd. рита (концепция порядка мироустройства и справедливости)
Rta [ˈrɪtə] n
relig. рита (концепция порядка мироустройства и справедливости- The famed conception, meaning at once natural law, cosmic order, moral law, and the law of truth: In the Vedic religion, Ṛta (/ˈrɪtə/; Sanskrit ऋत ṛta "order, rule; truth") is the principle of natural order which regulates and coordinates the operation of the universe and everything within it. wikipedia.org)
RTA abbr.
gen. ДТП (road traffic accident Alexander Demidov)
abbr. Комитет по дорогам и транспорту (ОАЭ pelipejchenko)
auto. Дорожно-транспортное управление (Road and Transport Authority (Дубай) peuplier_8)
immunol. АТР (аллерген туберкулёзный рекомбинантный; recombinant tuberculosis allergen Oleksandr Spirin)
int.rel. постоянный советник проекта "Twinning" (resident twinning advisor Азери)
med. правосторонний трансрадиальный доступ (irinaloza23)
mining. канадская металлургическая компания "Рио Тинто Алкан" (MichaelBurov)
oil установка для испытаний на надёжность (reliability test assembly)
slang бакомайзер (rebuildable tank atomizer tinell)
tobac. испаритель с испарительной камерой, погруженной в ёмкость для жидкости (жидкость поступает из ёмкости в испарительную камеру через протоки, по мере высушивания фитиля; сокр. от "rebuildable tank atomizer" Alex_Odeychuk)
traf. дорожно-транспортное происшествие (Road Traffic Accident Johnny Bravo)
transp. закон о дорожном движении (Великобритания; Road Traffic Act Sergei Aprelikov)
 English thesaurus
RTA abbr.
abbr. Referring Travel Agent; Regional Transit Administration; Resident Twinning Advisor; Residential Tenancies Authority; Returned To Australia; Real-Time Accelerator; Research and Technology Agency; Residual Threat Assessment; road traffic accident; Rubber Trade Association of New York
abbr., avia. Rotuma Island, Fiji; range and training area; required time of arrival; receiver transmitter antenna; real time analyzer; receiver/transmitter antenna; receiver transmitter ARINC; right trim arm
abbr., BrE Regulations for the Territorial Army
abbr., busin. ready-to-assemble
abbr., chem. racemic tartaric acid
abbr., chem., scient. Rubidium Titanyl Arsenate
abbr., commer. regional trade agreement; Reciprocal Trade Agreement
abbr., comp. rise-time analyzer
abbr., earth.sc. reciprocal trade agreements
abbr., ed., scient. Ready To Apply
abbr., el. RAMIS technical assistance; rapid thermal activation; rapid thermal N2 annealing; real-time analysis; real-time analyzer; relative track address; relaxation time approximation; remote terminal assistance; remote test access; rise time analyzer
abbr., el., scient. Rapid Thermal Anneal
abbr., immunol. ricin toxin A
abbr., law Root The Area
abbr., med. Ray Tracing Algorithm; Renal Tubular Acidosis; Reverse Transcriptase Assay; Road Traffic Accident; renal tubular acidosis (Vosoni); ricin toxin А
abbr., media. Real Time Author
abbr., mil. Ready To Assemble; Repatriated To Australia; residual threat assessment
abbr., mil., avia. rapid theater attack
abbr., mining. Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil radiothermal analysis; rheological thermal analysis; regional trading arrangements
abbr., pharma. ready to administer (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., physiol. Renal Tubule Acidosis
abbr., physiol., med. Regional Transit Authority
abbr., refrig. Refrigeration Trade Association of America
abbr., relig. Religious And Theological Abstracts
abbr., scottish Receiver / Transmitter Antenna; Restructuring The Army concept (Australia); Rotation Target Altitude; Royal Thai Army
abbr., semicond. rapid thermal annealing
abbr., space receiver/transmitter antenna
abbr., tel. Remote Trunk Arrangement
abbr., textile Road Traffic Act
abbr., transp. Rapid Transit Administration; Regional Transportation Authority; Road To Avonlea; Road Traffic Accidents; Roads And Traffic Authority
mil. radar terrain analysis; rail travel authorization; relative target altitude; reliability test assembly; request for technical action
tech. radio telescope antenna; real-time accumulator
: 8 phrases in 3 subjects
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