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rsp abbr.stresses
perf. розничная цена
RSP abbr.
gen. ССБ (Lavrov)
police Receiving Stolen Property-хранение краденного имущества (vipere)
powd.met. БОП (rapidly solidified powder – быстроотверждённый порошок shergilov)
progr. сброс указателя стека (ssn)
tech. Удалённое Заданное Значение (Remote Setpoint umidasadykova)
 English thesaurus
rsp abbr.
abbr., el. rate sensing package
comp. rock, scissors, paper (в играх принцип установки характеристик объектов или подходов так, что каждый хорошо работает против одних и плохо против других acrogamnon)
RSP abbr.
abbr. Reality Signal Processor; Replaceable Stripper Plate; Residential Safety Program; Residential Sidewalk Participation; Responsibility and Services Plan; Rival Schools Phantasy; Radial Serial Protocol (Vosoni); Remote Set Point (Yakov); ReSPonse (Vosoni); Retarded Stupid People; Recognised Safety Professional (Olga_Tyn); reliable stream protocol
abbr., astronaut. Recognized Space Picture (semfromshire)
abbr., avia. Raspberry Strait, Alaska USA; required surveillance performance; reversion select panel; radio switch panel; requirement summation program; revenue share program; revision select panel; rotational sampling program
abbr., bot., scient. Random Selection Process
abbr., busin. riveted steel pipe
abbr., cinema Reality Snuff Pictures
abbr., commun. radio signal processor
abbr., comp. read specially paper tape
abbr., comp., net., IT Route- Switch Processor
abbr., earth.sc. regional seas program (UNEP); resource sharing program
abbr., ed., scient. Research and Sponsored Programs
abbr., el. routing switch platform; radical serial protocol; real-time signal processing; real-time simulation platform; reliable streaming protocol; replication synchronization process; research signal processor; responder-beacon; restoration priority; right scale package; router switch processor; route selection program
abbr., file.ext. Required Space Character
abbr., geol. reservoir-seal pairs (число пар "коллектор-флюидоупор" в пределах изучаемого интервала: Based on the thickness of the interval in this area, it is assumed to contain two reservoir-seal pairs. ixtra)
abbr., inet. Rebol Server Pages
abbr., IT Really Special People; Response file; Rounding To Single Precision
abbr., karate. rear stagnation point
abbr., math., scient. Restriction Site Polymorphism
abbr., med. Rat Serum Protein; right sacroposterior (fetal position); right sacrum posterior (harser); right sacroposterior position of the fetus
abbr., mil. Render Safe Procedure; Red Switch Project (DOD); religious support policy; render-safe procedure
abbr., mil., air.def. receive-signal processor
abbr., mil., avia. radio switch panel
abbr., mil., WMD render-safe procedures
abbr., oil separator producing gas/oil ratio; raw SP (spontaneous potential); recommended starting position; remote setpoint (mode); reservoir simulation package; roll stabilization platform
abbr., phys., scient. Rapid Solidification Process
abbr., progr. reset stack pointer (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Residue of Similar Pages
abbr., railw. Roscoe Snyder and Pacific Railway
abbr., scient. Resource Specialist Program
abbr., scottish Ringshell projector (Underwater sound projector)
abbr., space radar start point; record selection expression
abbr., st.exch. Retirement Savings Plan
abbr., tradem. Retail Service Provider; Rover Special Products
comp., IT Required Space
meteorol. responder (beacon)
mil. radar signal processor; range support plan; rapid site preparation; recognized surface picture; reconnaissance and security positions; regional strike plan; render safe procedure; replenishment spare parts; reserve stock point
tech. reactivity surveillance procedure; reentry system programmer; remote shutdown panel; rendezvous station panel; responder beacon; rotating shield plug
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
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