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rooted to the spotstresses
gen. приросший к месту (Roxanne watched, rooted to the spot, horrified at what she was witnessing. 4uzhoj); прикованный к месту (Harry watched, rooted to the spot, as one pale spidery hand reached up to grasp the white thing and flung it viciously into the bushes. 4uzhoj)
idiom. не в состоянии сдвинуться с места (Kenny continued that, in his dream, he was rooted to the spot, his legs shaking and his heart pounding. He could only stand and stare as the huge radioactive cloud extended to a height of what was clearly miles. -- не мог сдвинуться с места mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
root to the spot
gen. пригвоздить к месту (Anglophile)
rooted to the spot
: 13 phrases in 2 subjects