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rise through the ranksstresses
gen. продвинуться по служебной лестнице (NumiTorum)
inf. продвинуться (по служебной лестнице; She had risen quickly through the ranks. Val_Ships); сделать карьеру (He's risen through the ranks, starting as a copyboy and ending up as senior editor. Val_Ships)
mil. дослужиться (He rose through the ranks to Admiral Orwald); продвигаться по службе (Serving in Northern Ireland, West Africa and the Middle East, he rose through the ranks quickly, being promoted to major by the age of 27 4uzhoj)
police.jarg. быстро продвигаться по служебной лестнице (Taras); быстро подниматься по службе (Taras)
rise through the ranks
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects