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reskilling nstresses
gen. переучивание (akimboesenko); обучение новым навыкам (disk_d); профессиональная переподготовка (the process of teaching workers the skills that they need for a new or different job, especially when they do not have a job. MED Alexander Demidov); переподготовка кадров (Editor's note: According to testimony given by Toni Dawsey, NASA Assistant Administrator for Human Capital Management, training NASA employees to perform new tasks is called "reskilling". NASA Watch: Personnel News: June 2006 Archives | Labour minister Membathisi Mdladlana on Thursday asked employers planning to retrench workers to search for other alternatives such as reskilling and retraining people. ANC Daily News Briefing. Wordnik Alexander Demidov)
EBRD обучение работников новейшим методам работы (вк); переподготовка (вк); повышение квалификации (вк)
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Human resources1