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release notesstresses
astronaut. примечание к выпуску
comp., MS заметки о выпуске (A document that contains general release information and late changes. It is one of the deliverables leading to the release readiness approved milestone)
IT замечания к релизу (Anchovies)
media. комментарий к реализации системы (в системе Microsoft Video for Windows)
oil примечания к выпуску
progr. описание изменений (вид проектной документации Alex_Odeychuk); сопроводительные записки (ssn)
SAP.tech. информация по версии
release note
gen. накладная на отпуск (Formal document issued by a consignee bank (after buyer's acceptance of the associated bill of exchange) enabling the buyer to take delivery of a shipment. It is used in documentary credit arrangements where goods are consigned to a bank as the seller's means of retaining constructive control over a shipment sent against an order. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
bank. извещение об остатке на счёте
cust. разрешение на отгрузку (v_alentinka)
IT анонс выпуска новой версии ПО (Alexey Lebedev)
SAP.tech. информация по версии
telecom. примечание к версии (oleg.vigodsky)
Release Note
O&G сопроводительная записка (Dzhem)
release notes
: 26 phrases in 12 subjects
Gas processing plants3
International transportation1
Oil processing plants3
Quality control and standards5