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noun | verb | to phrases
rehousing ['ri:'hauzɪŋ] nstresses
gen. обеспечение новым жильём; предоставление нового жилья; переселение в новый дом; переселение в новые дома; переселение (Thousands of earthquake victims are still waiting to be rehoused. OALD. CoCoB. civic programs to rehouse people living in condemned buildings. RHWD. "Yes, he adds, Arab money could have been use to rehouse refugee families like his decades ago. IRISH TIMES (2002) 'There is enough land to rehouse all slums, the problem is that it's worth thousands of crores. OUTLOOK INDIA (2005) Local authorities have to ascertain the numbers of slums in their areas and plan to clear them and rehouse their occupants. Brown, Muriel & Payne Sarah INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ADMINISTRATION IN BRITAIN One neighbour is even asking the council to rehouse her and her family -and Shane's mum Jenny is being threatened with legal action. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2001) Who on Earth thought that it would be safe to rehouse Cameron McIvor near a school, considering the charges against him? SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2001) `Nobody likes to see animals die but the reality is that if we can't rehouse them, we can't keep them either. MISC (1998). Collins Alexander Demidov); расселение (напр., коммуналок в отдельные квартиры или новые дома: "the residents waited to be rehoused" Рина Грант)
nautic. вторичное размещение (дополнительная оплата за хранение груза свыше установленного срока)
rehousing ['ri:'hauzɪŋ] v
environ. ремонт и строительство жилых домов (To provide with new or different housing; Обеспечение новым или отремонтированным жильем)
rehouse ['ri:'hauz] v
gen. переселять в новые дома; переселить в новые дома; переселять в новый дом; переселяться в новые дома; расселять (alexghost); переселить
archit. переселять
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects