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noun | adjective | adjective | abbreviation | adverb | to phrases
RAD [ræd] nstresses
avia. Эксплуатация радиотехнического оборудования обеспечения полётов и связи (Radiotechnical Department – в аэропорту Люксембурга kotechek)
comp., MS быстрая разработка приложений (A method of building computer systems in which the system is programmed and implemented in segments, rather than waiting until the entire project is completed for implementation. Developed by programmer James Martin, RAD uses such tools as CASE and visual programming)
comp., net. средства ускоренной разработки программного обеспечения; средства быстрой разработки приложений
Gruzovik, IT быстрая разработка прикладных программ (rapid application development)
oil требуемый срок обеспечения эксплуатационной готовности (required availability date)
progr. быстрая разработка приложения (см. rapid application development ssn)
softw. средство быстрой разработки (от англ. "rapid application development" – "быстрая разработка приложений" Alex_Odeychuk)
rad [ræd] n
gen. лучевая кость
el. рад
geophys. рад (внесистемная единица поглощённой дозы излучения, 0,01 Дж/кг)
math. радикал (radical)
nucl.phys., unit.meas. рад (radiation absorbed dose)
O&G, sakh. радиан
obs. рад (поглощённая доза радиации, 1 рад - 0,01 грея)
tech. рад (Единица поглощённой дозы ионизирующего излучения)
Rad. abbr.
abbr. Радноршир (графство в Уэльсе Anglophile)
Makarov. радиолярии (Radiolaria)
rad. n
construct. радиус
Rad [ræd] n
slang класс (Кинопереводчик)
rad [ræd] adj.
gen. радиоактивный; балдежный (suburbian)
inf. крутой (сокращение от radical: Yeah dude, it was rad vogeler); клёвый (сокращение от radical: Yeah dude, it was rad vogeler); здоровский (сокращение от radical: Yeah dude, it was rad vogeler); радикальный (сокращение от radical: Yeah dude, it was rad vogeler); классный (сокращение от radical: Yeah dude, it was rad vogeler)
slang как круто (заместо приевшихся "awesome", "cool" urbandictionary.com Litans); очень волнующий (Alyona); захватывающий (Alyona); увлекательный (Alyona); очень хороший (Alyona); классный (Alyona); великий (Interex); прекрасный (Interex); великолепный (Interex); чумовой (Alexey Lebedev); крутой (Азери); клёвый (VLZ_58); отпадный (ad_notam); потрясный (ad_notam); бомбический (ad_notam)
USA впечатляющий (excellent; impressive. E.g. his style is so rad; a really rad game. Origin: 1980s: probably an abbreviation of radical. Aiduza)
raddest adj.
slang наикрутейший (nutsey)
RAD [ræd] abbr.
comp., net. быстрая разработка приложений
rad [ræd] adv.
sl., teen. круто (сокращение от radical – приобрело популярность после фильмов Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Yeah dude, it was rad vogeler); клёво (сокращение от radical – приобрело популярность после фильмов Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Yeah dude, it was rad vogeler); здо́рово (сокращение от radical – приобрело популярность после фильмов Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Yeah dude, it was rad vogeler); радикально (сокращение от radical – приобрело популярность после фильмов Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Yeah dude, it was rad vogeler); классно (сокращение от radical – приобрело популярность после фильмов Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Yeah dude, it was rad vogeler)
 English thesaurus
RAD [ræd] abbr.
abbr. Race Against Drugs; Radian; Research And Development; radar; RADIAC equipment; radial; radiate; radiation; Radical Awareness Of Discipleship; Radically Aware Disciples; Radio Analysis Diagram; Rapid Access Disk; Rapid Agony Distributor; Reaching Across Differences; Readily Available Deliveries; Really Awesome Dude; Rebelling Against The Devil; Recorded Announcement Device; Recreation Academic Development; Recreation And Discipleship; Remote Announcement Display (система слежения за поездами, разработка General Electric hizman); Resisting Aggression Defensively; Respect All Differences; Revere Against Discrimination; Rhythm Art And Drama; Robot Assisted Delivery; Roll Attitude Determination; Royal Academy of Dancing; the Royal Academy of Dancing
abbr., avia. radar approach aid; random access data; random access disc; recommendation approval document; recurring airworthiness directive; requirements and allocation document; review and approval document; roll anticipation distance
abbr., commer. Request for Authority to Develop (an international agreement); Resource Allocation Display (Navy)
abbr., comp., net. rapid applications development
abbr., comp., net., IT Remote Access Device
abbr., ed. Read And Discuss
abbr., el. radiation; radiation dosage; random access disk; rear aperture detection; remote antenna driver; residual absorbed dose
abbr., file.ext. Rapid Access Device; Rapid Access Disc
abbr., IT Radience; Rapid Application Design; Rapid Application Development; rapid application development (Bricker)
abbr., karate. Rocket Assisted Descent (http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/sao/guest/wessen/ trtrtr)
abbr., law Rape Aggression Defense
abbr., med. Radial Artery Catheter; Reactive Airway Disease; right axis deviation (отклонение электрической оси сердца вправо на ЭКГ Dimpassy)
abbr., mil. Random Agile Deinterleaver; research and advanced development; routine aerial distribution
abbr., mil., air.def. radio-operator
abbr., mil., avia. RON SAGE radar squadron, semiautomatic ground environment
abbr., nautic. Safety Radio Certificate (Lesya1986)
abbr., oil radiation log
abbr., pharm. everolimus (эверолимус Dimpassy)
abbr., physiol. Reactive Airways Disease
abbr., physiol., med. Radiate; Radiation Absorbed Dose; Reactive Attachment Disorder
abbr., progr. rapid application development (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Rapid Applications Development
abbr., st.exch. Rite Aid Corporation
abbr., tradem. Retail Application Developer
abbr., transp. Route Availability Document
abbr., vent. return air damper (Khabibuollin Bulat)
ecol. relative air density
energ.ind. required actions document
mil. radar augmentation device; Radford Arsenal; radiation absorbed dose; radiation accumulated dose; radiation dose; reference attitude display; regional accountable depot; released from active duty; repair at depot; reported for active duty; required availability date; requirements action directive; reservists on active duty; return to active duty; Roentgen absorbed dose
tech. radical; radio control; radio operator; random access device; rapid access data; request advice
rad [ræd] abbr.
abbr. radiator; radioactive; radiogram; radius; repmn radio repairman; radian (angular measurement); Radiation dose absorbed (Unit of radiant energy received); roentgen-absorbed dose
abbr., earth.sc. radiometric
abbr., el. radiation absorption dose
abbr., med. radiation absorbed dose; radiation-absorbed dose (iwona); radioactivity; radix
abbr., mil., avia. radium
abbr., opt. rd
O&G, sakh. radiant
Rad. abbr.
abbr. radar; rapid automatic drill; radioactivity; Radnorshire (Anglophile)
abbr., comp. random access disk
abbr., earth.sc. radical; radioactive; radium
rad. abbr.
abbr. radiation; radio; radiology; radiogram; radio operator
abbr., dril. radian
abbr., earth.sc. radial
polym. radius
Rad [ræd] abbr.
abbr. radio
RaD [ræd] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. radium D
abbr., med. radium D lead 210
RAD [ræd] abbr.
abbr. REL Sq. radio relay squadron
abbr., avia. ram air duct
abbr., earth.sc. radiation detector; radiation dose unit
abbr., oil radioactive detector; rapid automatic drill; ratio analysis diagram; robotic advance drilling system
abbr., space required availability data; requirement action directive; roll angle detector; running average detection
: 85 phrases in 30 subjects
Energy industry1
Information technology1
Mass media1
Medical appliances2
Nuclear physics32
Pulp and paper industry1
Solar power1