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to phrases
put in touch withstresses
Gruzovik связать (pf of связывать); связывать (impf of связать)
put in touch
put in touch with
gen. познакомить (with someone – кого-либо с кем-либо: Once the mutual friend put them in touch with one another); повязать (with); связать (with); связаться (with); связывать (with); связываться (with); свести вместе (кого-либо)
inf. состыковать (with someone; кого-либо с кем-либо, т.е. дать двум людям контакты друг друга: I'll put him in touch with you. • I didn't have the kind of quantity he wanted, so I put him in touch with some serious guys I knew in Stockton. 4uzhoj)
put someone in touch
gen. свести (with someone else 4uzhoj)
put in touch: 13 phrases in 6 subjects
Cliche / convention1
Intelligence and security services1