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pulling the plugstresses
vulg. положить болт на что-либо
pull the plug
fig. покончить с собой (AnnaOchoa); отказаться (в контексте: Moore has now given an interview to The Guardian, where he talks about the point where he decided to pull the plug on the Dreamcast project. • The saga surrounding Leeds United's chase for then-Swansea City star Daniel James rumbled on throughout the January transfer window and came to a dramatic halt on deadline day, with the Welsh side pulled the plug on the deal in the 11th hour. Himera); прекратить сотрудничество (Himera); свернуть (on something; to stop an activity, especially by no longer providing the money needed to allow it to continue: The banks have the power to pull the plug on the project. • If the viewing figures drop much more, the TV network will probably pull the plug on the whole series. Val_Ships); закрыть (on something; проект, дело и т.п., только в контексте: Mathie was looking for work after he decided to pull the plug on the 20-year-old classic emporium. • Moore has now given an interview to The Guardian, where he talks about the point where he decided to pull the plug on the Dreamcast project.); свернуть поддержку (on something; to stop an activity, especially by no longer providing the money needed to allow it to continue: The Arts Council had pulled the plug on the scheme. 4uzhoj)
idiom. прикрыть лавочку (Looks like they've pulled the plug on this. – Похоже, прикрыли (чью-л.) лавочку. ART Vancouver)
literal. выдернуть штепсельную вилку; выдернуть вилку из розетки (to unplug or cut power: Shut off the machine and pull the plug. • He put an end to the loud music by pulling the plug. 4uzhoj); отключить (эл. питание Val_Ships)
med. отказаться от дальнейшего искусственного поддержания жизненных функций (on someone; to disconnect a medical life-support system Alexander Demidov); отключить аппаратуру, искусственно поддерживающую жизнь (безнадежно больного on someone; to disconnect a medical life-support system)
subm. нырять; погружаться; приступить к погружению (slang – get ready to dive/submerge in a submarine Val_Ships)
subm., nautic. нырнуть; погрузиться
pulling the plug: 14 phrases in 6 subjects