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to phrases
public usestresses
gen. открытое пользование (товарным знаком); государственные нужды (Public use is a legal requirement under the takings clause ("nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation") of the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, that owners of property seized by eminent domain for "public use" be paid "just compensation." The distinction between public use and public purpose has created a doctrinally confusing and highly controversial subset of public use doctrine. WK Alexander Demidov); пользование неограниченным кругом лиц (Public use is a legal requirement under the takings clause ("nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation") of the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, that owners of property seized by eminent domain for "public use" be paid "just compensation". WK Alexander Demidov)
account. потребление для общегородских нужд
busin. потребление для общегородских нужда
econ. муниципальное пользование; муниципальное потребление
law общественное пользование (public use n. the only purpose for which private property can be taken (condemned) by the government under its power of eminent domain. Public use includes: schools, streets, highways, hospitals, government buildings, parks, water reservoirs, flood control, slum clearance and redevelopment, public housing, public theaters and stadiums, safety facilities, harbors, bridges, railroads, airports, terminals, prisons, jails, public utilities, canals, and numerous other purposes designated as beneficial to the public. (See: eminent domain, condemnation) Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Alexander Demidov); открытое применение
libr. общественное пользование
patents. публичное использование (препятствует патентоспособности, если имело место ранее чем за год до подачи заявки на изобретение или промышленный образец; use of an invention by one who is under no limitation, restriction, or obligation of secrecy to the inventor Under federal law one is not entitled to a patent for an invention that was in public use more than a year prior to the date of application for the patent. lawyers.com Alexander Demidov); публичное использование; публичное применение
progr. общественное использование (ssn)
public use lands
: 53 phrases in 21 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Companies & Partnerships2
Gas processing plants1
Hydraulic engineering1
International Monetary Fund1
Public transportation3
Water supply1