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public amenitiesstresses
gen. объекты общественной инфраструктуры (Public amenities are resources, conveniences, facilities or benefits continuously offered to the general public for their use and/or enjoyment, with or without charge (e.g., restrooms, information displays, public telephones, rain shelters, drinking fountains, etc.). Alexander Demidov); социальные объекты (Alexander Demidov); объекты социальной сферы (Public amenities are resources, conveniences, facilities or benefits continuously offered to the general public for their use and/or enjoyment, with or without charge (e.g., restrooms, information displays, public telephones, rain shelters, drinking fountains, etc.). | Public amenities in Malaysia include facilities such as libraries, sport complexes, recreation and community centres, and postal facilities, among others. Alexander Demidov)
public amenity
gen. объект социальной инфраструктуры (schools, hospitals, clinics, stores, banks, nursery schools, parks, beaches, etc. slitely_mad)
public amenities and personal service center
: 14 phrases in 5 subjects