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PTS nstresses
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PT n
mil., lingo физическая подготовка (MichaelBurov); физподготовка (MichaelBurov)
Pt n
chem. платина (MichaelBurov)
pts abbr.
med. пациенты (сокращение от patients Nata003); пациенты (iwona)
PTS abbr.
gen. УСОД (ABelonogov)
ed. балл успеваемости (=Quality Points; в транскрипте Johnny Bravo)
IT временная отметка предоставления пакета (presentation time stamp Alex_Odeychuk)
math. предварительный критерий значимости (preliminary test of significance)
med. посттравматический стресс (MichaelBurov)
O&G система прослеживания труб (pipe tracking system vsw)
O&G, sakh. СОД (средства очистки и диагностики; pig trap station Steblyanskiy); ТУ проекта (Project Technical Specifications); узел пуска-приёма СОД (средство очистки и диагностики; pig trap station Sakhalin Energy)
pharm. ППТ (Программа профессионального тестирования – это процедура внешней независимой оценки технической компетентности испытательных лабораторий путем сравнения результатов, полученных при межлабораторных испытаниях тестовых образцов CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
product. ТСП (production technical service Ananaska)
pTS abbr.
Makarov. п-толуолсульфонат; пТС
 English thesaurus
pts abbr.
abbr. pints; pints per second
abbr., commer. payments
abbr., oil pints; part
automat. points
med. Patients (iwona)
O&G static tubing pressure
polym. parts
pts. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. parts; pints
PTS abbr.
abbr. ATKINSON Municipal Airport, Pittsburg, Kansas; Paid To Signup; Parallel Technical Sessions; pig trap station (ABelonogov)
abbr., AI. Procedural Texture Synthesis
abbr., auto. pedestrian traffic signal system; parktronic system
abbr., avia. predetermined track structure; pack temperature sensor; paratroopers training school; pilot's trim switch; primary taxiway system; problem tracking system; production tracking system
abbr., avia., med. permanent threshold shift
abbr., busin. predetermined time study
abbr., clin.trial. Peak Trough Swing (Тантра)
abbr., comp. perforated tape subsystem
abbr., comp., net. Parallel Transaction Server
abbr., earth.sc. pneumatic test sequencer; polished thin sections; Pollution Technical Services Ltd.
abbr., ecol. Persistent Toxic Substances (Игорь_2006)
abbr., econ. predetermined elemental time standard system; prep-to-ship; preparation-to-ship
abbr., el. packet transit switch; paper tape software; parameter test setup; path transmission selection; peripherals test sequencer; phototypesetting; plesiochronous timing source; pointing and tracking system; portable television station; post-transit spectroscopy; power transient suppressor; presentation time-stamp; proceed to select (signal); proceed to send (signal); programmable terminal system; program transmission service; protocol test specification; protocol test system; PTF temporary storage; public telephone service; public television satellite
abbr., IT presentation time stamp
abbr., Makarov. photofragment translational spectroscopy
abbr., med. Para-toluenesulfonic Acid; Posttraumatic Syndrome; Placebo Transdermal System (Тантра); post-thrombotic syndrome (посттромботический синдром Dimpassy); posttraumatic stress (MichaelBurov); painful tonic seizure; plasma thromboplastin component
abbr., mil., avia. parameter test set-up
abbr., O&G, karach. package transformer substation (Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Project Technical Specifications
abbr., O&G, sakh. pig trap stations (Sakhalin Energy); pipeline transportation system; permanent threshold shift (permanent hearing loss resulting from repeated exposure to loud noise)
abbr., O&G, tengiz. pig tracing system (Aleks_Teri)
abbr., oil pressure-temperature sonde; production test, swabbing; p-toluene sulfonic acid; penetration-temperature susceptibility; personnel transfer submersible; pipe to soil potential; pressure temperature sonde; pressure transmission system; production testing ship; production test swabbing
abbr., physiol. positive threshold shift
abbr., pipes. pipe tracking system (MichaelBurov)
abbr., scottish Pilot Training Squadron (USA); Projectile Tracking System
abbr., sec.sys. Personnel Tracking System (ixtra)
abbr., securit. proprietary trading system
abbr., space payload test set; payload transportation system; pneumatic test set; precision track selector; predetermined time system; propellant transfer system; pulse telemetering system
abbr., tech. prototype test supported (Julchonok)
abbr., textile predetermined time standard
abbr., transp. pneumatic track system
abbr., UN provisional technical secretariat
energ.ind., abbr. post-tensioning system; production tax credits
mil. photogrammetric triangulation system
mil., abbr. parachute training school; photogrammetric target system; physical training staff; pilot training squadron; pointing and tracking scope; precision timing system; production test specification; program test system; programmer test station
tech. pressure test station
tech., abbr. preflight test set; pressurized thermal shock; protocol type selection
PTs abbr.
abbr., meas.inst. pressure transmitters (igisheva)
meas.inst. pressure transmitters (igisheva)
PTSA abbr.
abbr., chem. p-toluenesulfonic acid
: 21 phrases in 7 subjects
Oil and gas1