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property-room ['prɔpətɪru(:)m]stresses
gen. реквизиторская; бутафорская
Makarov. бутафорская (театр., кино); реквизиторская (театр., кино)
theatre., cinema бутафорная
property room ['prɒpətɪrʊm]
gen. камера хранения (sever_korrespondent); хранилище вещдоков (Property rooms, or evidence rooms, are secure areas used to store seized property, stolen property, and evidence to be used in court. They are typically located in a police station. Evidence or property in most cases may only be handled by technicians in order to preserve the chain of custody.[2] All evidence taken in or out has to be tagged, logged and barcoded. WK Alexander Demidov); реквизиторская
cinema бутафорская
mil. кладовая (подразделения)
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects