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project ownerstresses
gen. заказчик-инвестор (Entity that initiates a project, finances it, contracts it out, and benefits from its output(s). Also called just owner. BD Alexander Demidov); заказчик проекта (Moscowtran); автор проекта (The Project Owner is typically, but not always, the head of the business unit receiving the product, and bears business responsibility for successful project implementation. The Project Owner may often act as a "champion" to the project, in partnership with the Sponsor. | projectmanagement.com, projectmanagement.com Alexander Demidov)
archit. застройщик
bridg.constr. ответственный за проект
construct. заказчик (в договорах подряда/контрактах на выполнение СМР KozlovVN)
manag. владелец проекта (A111981)
project owner
: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
Oil and gas1
Road works1