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priority datestresses
gen. дата приоритета (Priority date is a United States immigration concept – it is the date when a principle applicant first reveals his intent of immigration to the US government. Found on | In patent law, when a priority is validly claimed, the date of filing of the first application, called the "priority date," is considered to be the "effective date of filing" for the examination of novelty and inventive step or non-obviousness for the subsequent application claiming the priority of the first application. In other words, the prior art which is taken into account for examining the novelty and inventive step or non-obviousness of the invention claimed in the subsequent application would not be everything made available to the public before the filing date (of the subsequent application) but everything made available to the public before the priority date, i.e. the date of filing of the first application. WK – АД wikipedia.org)
econ. приоритетная дата
patents. приоритет изобретения (Abolition of that discrimination caused U.S. inventors to lose some of the advantages they had taken for granted. The date of invention (priority date) to which a ... Alexander Demidov); дата приоритета; дата приоритета (Priority date is a United States immigration concept – it is the date when a principle applicant first reveals his intent of immigration to the US government. Found on | In patent law, when a priority is validly claimed, the date of filing of the first application, called the "priority date," is considered to be the "effective date of filing" for the examination of novelty and inventive step or non-obviousness for the subsequent application claiming the priority of the first application. In other words, the prior art which is taken into account for examining the novelty and inventive step or non-obviousness of the invention claimed in the subsequent application would not be everything made available to the public before the filing date (of the subsequent application) but everything made available to the public before the priority date, i.e. the date of filing of the first application. WK wikipedia.org Alexander Demidov)
priority date
: 12 phrases in 4 subjects