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principal obligationsstresses
gen. основные обязательства (PRINCIPAL OBLIGATION. That obligation which arises from the principal object of the engagement which has been contracted between the parties. It differs from an accessory obligation. (q.v.) For example, in the sale of a horse, the principal obligation of the seller is to deliver the horse; the obligation to take care of him till delivered is an accessory engagement. Poth. Obl. n. 182. By principal obligation is also understood the engagement of one who becomes bound for himself and not for the benefit of another. Poth. Obl. n. 186. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856. Alexander Demidov)
principal obligation
bank. главное обязательство
law основное обязательство (Coroner_xd)
principal obligations
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects