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prescription drugstresses
gen. лекарственное средство рецептурного отпуска (Alexander Demidov); препарат рецептурного отпуска (a drug that is available only with written instructions from a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist. WN3. A prescription drug (also prescription medication or prescription medicine) is a pharmaceutical drug that legally requires a medical prescription to be dispensed. In contrast, over-the-counter drugs can be obtained without a prescription. The reason for this difference in substance control is the potential scope of misuse, from drug abuse to practicing medicine without a license and without sufficient education. Different jurisdictions have different definitions of what constitutes a prescription drug. WK Alexander Demidov)
adv. лекарство, отпускаемое по рецепту
Makarov. отпускаемое по рецепту лекарственное средство
med. РХ препарат (natfursaeva)
prescription drug
: 21 phrases in 5 subjects