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pn nstresses
O&G, sakh. давление номинальное
PN n
avia. парт-номер (Natalie_apple)
transp. число твердых частиц (particulate number (отражает количество частиц разного размера, отражая доказательства того, что размер частиц важен для наблюдаемого воздействия на здоровье.  MenshovaAnna)
O&G насосная станция пожаротушения (MichaelBurov)
PN abbr.
avia. номер детали
bank. ценные бумаги, выпускаемые для финансирования жилищного строительства (США; project note); простой вексель (promissory note); долговое обязательство
busin. проектные ценные бумаги; официальное извещение (public notice Inchionette); проектные векселя
med. парентеральное питание (parenteral nutrition Stingray_FM); послеродовой (postnatal I. Havkin)
O&G, tengiz. обозначение класса фланцев по классификации по давлению (по стандарту DIN. PN100 / PN250 Yeldar Azanbayev)
polym. североамериканский полипропилен (Alexey Lebedev)
product. Ру (Yeldar Azanbayev)
tech. номинальное давление (PN a symbol for "nominal pressure," a measure used for rating piping, valves, fittings, etc. Nominal pressure is essentially the pressure rating of the piping system, measured in megapascals at a temperature of 20 °C (68 °F). (One megapascal equals approximately 145.038 pounds per square inch in traditional English units.) Industrial standards organizations, such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), set standards for pipes and fittings based on PN ratings; these standards specify in detail the size, composition, and strength of each component. vim6)
 English thesaurus
PN abbr.
abbr. Promissory Note
abbr., auto. part name code
abbr., avia. pilot navigator; positive negative
abbr., ecol. pollution nagasaki
abbr., el. pseudonoise; paging network; personal number; phosphorous nitride; Polish notation; processor number; programmable network; program number; pseudorandom number; pulse network
abbr., expl. potassium nitrate
abbr., med. percussion notes; polyneuritis; postnatal; psychoneurotic individual; pyridine nucleotide
abbr., mil. partner nation
abbr., mil., avia. dB perceivable noise; part number
abbr., nephr. pyelonephritis (iwona)
abbr., telecom. Pseudo raNdom
Pn abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. pressure drop in bit nozzles
abbr., el. nitrogen partial pressure
pn abbr.
abbr. psychiatry-neurology
econ. promissory note
electr.eng. power input (well-meant)
PN abbr.
abbr. Practical Nurse; Price New; Pyle National; Packet Network; PAL to NTSC conversion; Pan-American World Airways; Paul Naylor; Peripherial Neuropathy; Perry Newton; please note; pneumatic; pneumatics; Proclaim Name; Project Nothing; Prosperity Networks; page number; private network; phosphorus-nitrogen; Polska Norma; positive-negative; promissory not; psychoneurotic; Publisher News; petitioner (http://www.immihelp.com/forum/showthread.php/93435-H4-visa-expiration-date-is-wrong aldrignedigen)
abbr., agric. protein nitrogen
abbr., astr., scient. Planetary Nebulae
abbr., astronaut. planetary nebulae; pseudo-noise
abbr., auto. performance number
abbr., automat. Petri net
abbr., avia. prior notice required; public network; pilot-navigator
abbr., avia., med. perceived noise
abbr., busin. PN-design PN
abbr., chem., scient. Pressure Nominal
abbr., commer. please notice; prior notice (required)
abbr., commun. probe node (Метран)
abbr., comp., net., IT Portable Network; Print Net
abbr., earth.sc. Pacific Communication Net; para-nitrophenol; particulate nitrogen; phyllonite; power normal distribution; prehnite; pseudo-noise signal
abbr., ed., scient. Proper Name
abbr., el., scient. Pseudo Noise
abbr., file.ext. Processing Node; Punch On
abbr., geol., scient. Pacific Northwest
abbr., HF.electr. pseudorandom noise
abbr., inet. Profile Name
abbr., math., scient. Primitive Notion
abbr., med. Peripheral Nerve; Phrenic Nerve; Positive Regional Lymph Node (TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) Classification); Prevention Network; Psychiatry And Neurology; Pyelonephritis; pneumonia
abbr., media. Pen Name; Publication Name
abbr., mil. Part Number; Project Name; Project Number; Pseudo-random Noise
abbr., O&G positive/negative
abbr., oil plugged nozzle (andrushin); North Pole; p-nitrophenol; packet number; Pennsylvanian; pentenenitrile; peroxide number; Petroleum News; pressure, normal; producer with natural lift; pulsed neutron
abbr., phys., scient. Proton Neutron
abbr., physiol., med. Pain; Peripheral Neuropathy; Post- Nasal
abbr., polit. Pitcairn Island
abbr., scottish Pakistan Navy; Panama (NATO country code)
abbr., space Pacific communications net; perceived noisiness
abbr., tech. nominal pressure (akhmed)
abbr., telecom. personal numbering
abbr., tradem. Progressive Networks
comp., net. Petri network
energ.ind. plant normal
invest. project note
mil. Pacific net; part number; percussion nose; position; preliminary notification; production notice; program notice; project number; proportional navigation
tech. photon noise; plasticity number; pseudo noise
Pn abbr.
abbr. net pressure; pentlandite; partition; platoon
tech. noise power; noise power output; propylene diamine
PNs abbr.
abbr., med. pierced nipples
: 34 phrases in 19 subjects
Automated equipment1
Clinical trial1
Computer networks1
Food industry2
High energy physics2
Information technology2
Nuclear physics1
Радиоактивное излучение2