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PLF abbr.stresses
abbr. коэффициент загрузки пассажирской авиалинии (passenger load factor – отношение пассажиро-километров к теоретически возможным кресло-километрам Andrew2)
astronaut. головной обтекатель
cardiol. парадоксально низкий расход поток крови (paradoxal low flow eugeene1979)
geol. пингоподобные структуры (pingo-like-features Belk)
med. задний поясничный спондилодез (posterior lumbar fusion eugeene1979)
O&G, abbr. ПНН (ppc)
O&G, sakh. ЖОК (жилищно-охранный комплекс, БКП Чайво SAKHstasia); ЖОЗ (Жилищно-Охранное Здание; Permanent Living Facility Steblyanskiy)
skydive. перекат (манёвр на приземлении)
 English thesaurus
plf. abbr.
law plaintiff
PLF abbr.
abbr. Pacific Legal Foundation; Penguin Liberation Front; People's Legal Front; Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation; Pittsburgh Local Fund; Points of Light Foundation; Public Land Foundation; Public Lands Foundation
abbr., avia. passenger load factor; present leg fault; path loss failure; proof load fixture
abbr., busin. plaintiff
abbr., cinema premium large format (grafleonov)
abbr., data.prot. page load fingerprint (The majority of websites (95.7%) have a unique PLF, suggesting there is a risk of identifying that a user is visiting the site solely from a list of contacted IP addresses. coldwar_etcetera)
abbr., earth.sc. plant load factor
abbr., el. page length field; private line telephone
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Pheonix Legionnaire Force
abbr., geol. pingo-like-features (Belk)
abbr., market. product launch formula (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. Perilymphatic Fistula; Posterior Lung Fiber; posterior lumbar intervertebral fusion (eugeene1979); polymorphonuclear leukocyte inhibitory factor
abbr., mil. Parachute Landing Fall; Popular Liberation Front; Princess Louise Fusiliers
abbr., mil., avia. passenger load factor
abbr., mus. Peace, Love, Freedom
abbr., oil piecewise linear function; proppant-laden fluid
abbr., progr., IT Pocket Lookout File; Programming Logic Formulation
abbr., scottish Payload Fairing; Powered-Lift Facility
abbr., space path-length fuse; phase-locked frequency; power loss factor; pressure loss factor
abbr., tradem. Pioneer Leathertouch Fabrics, Inc.
airports, avia. Pala, Chad
energ.ind. plant-load factor; pounds per linear foot; primary liquid fuel
mil. parachute landing fall; path length fuzing; private line, phone
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects
Building structures1