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plebs [plebz] nstresses
gen. плебеи; простой народ
coll., hist. плебейство
contempt. чернь; толпа
Gruzovik, coll. плебейство
Gruzovik, lat. демос (plēbs is the nominative singular of the Latin word for the common people, as a whole, or as a group; it is NOT the plural of pleb, a derogatory term for a common person, someone of a lower class, or the clipping of plebeian ‎("member of the lower class in ancient Rome") or the back formation from Latin plēbs.)
hist. дем (plebs is nominative singular of the Latin word for the common people, as a whole, or as a group; it is NOT the plural of pleb, the clipping of plebeian ‎("member of the lower class in ancient Rome") or the back formation from Latin plebs.); плебс
pleb [pleb] n
gen. плебей
amer., inf. курсант первого курса (военного училища)
Gruzovik, lat. демос (plēbs is the nominative singular of the Latin word for the common people, as a whole, or as a group; it is NOT the plural of pleb, a derogatory term for a common person, someone of a lower class, or the clipping of plebeian ‎("member of the lower class in ancient Rome") or the back formation from Latin plēbs.)
inf. plebeian плебейский
: 4 phrases in 1 subject